Deal or No Deal

Very poorly written fluff piece in general.

Why did they need to reference that she had paid tribute to Johnny Ruffo in the same sentence as listing her holiday home for sale?

Also, sort-after? Surely the writer knows it’s sought after.

A lot of unnecessary apostrophes in there too.


What else can you expect from a crap media company.

Does anyone know what the money amounts were in the Supercase in 2004?

According to Wikipedia (I haven’t verified this):

The Super Case is an endgame feature introduced in 2004 where an extra large prop case is revealed containing an extra cash value between 50 cents and $50,000, or up to $30,000 on Double Deal Friday.

Not sure exactly what amounts between those values could show up in the case.

Deal or No Deal returns to the UK in a weekday afternoon slot on ITV at 4pm tomorrow.

10 should snap up the rights to this and air it during summer to gain some interest in the local version.

It goes for 1 hour so could be a good stable in the 10 afternoon slot? 2:30pm before the news maybe?


The UK version is so different in terms of style and pace to the Australian version (assuming they’ve kept the previous format used there), that I genuinely think it could do more harm than good.


I was thinking this could possibly be a good thing.

It’s clear The Chase Aus is the preferred 5pm gameshow but Tipping Point smashes the UK The Chase at 3pm.

I believe that’s why Tipping Point UK rates so well is people don’t want to watch the same game show an hour later at 5pm.

If Nine keep Tipping Point UK at 3pm I don’t think both versions will work.

Airing a different Deal during the day could be that point of difference for regular afternoon television viewers.


I’d rather 10 do a deal with Amazon to play Judy Justice.

Deal or No Deal is already a really repetitive format, once a day is more then enough.


Agree it’s being syndicated in the US now, if they could get it here it’d be a good lead in to news at 3.30.

They should be promoting the hell out of this by now.

I haven’t even seen any audience tickets etc? Have they even started filming?

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Weren’t the contestants who didn’t get picked for that episode essentially the audience? Hence no call out for audience members?


I think the that’s how it worked …while the early years had early rounds to determine who would play, eventually it would be that one sections of the audience was randomly picked per episode, with one of that section being picked to be the main player, with the others holding a cases (guessing what they hold inside case to win).

(I’d guess they did multiple episodes a day with the same audience too).


From memory, they had six ‘blocks’ of audience and one block was selected each episode, with one person being the contestant and the others holding the cases. Perhaps they filmed six episodes at a time.


Newest prom featuring launch date and time to the music “I’m so excited”.


Similar to the OG Early Evening format on 7 but this time on 10 hosted by Grant Denyer and an updated logo

Looks like most of the promo was filmed at Melbourne Docklands, including Docklands Studios where the show is shot.


Is there a video of this promo?

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Right next door to Tipping Point?

Both could share the same stage.

Wonder if the revered Pam Barnes was brought on board again? @TelevisionAU

The Docklands studio was where Deal was filmed in its original incarnation