Deal or No Deal

I thought FF was simulcast across all Ten channels for most, if not all, of its run?

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The show went a lot longer than i remembered


14 July 2014 until 22 July 2018 for 1,184 episodes and revived for 12 episodes of prime time specials 16 August 2020 to 27 December 2020.


A promo call for applications aired last night, featuring clips from the US version.

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Breifly seen tonight


i wonder if a lot of inspiration from the US version will be on the revival? would they do the same set as them?

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The logo is similar to the S5 US version which aired on CNBC in Fall 2018.

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10 will be measuring Deal or no Deal on more than just overnight total people numbers

  • 25-54 overnights
  • 25-54 Total TV
  • ad revenue booked
  • production costs V 6pm news
  • driving viewers to 10play
  • cross promo ops

Unfort. for 10 I can’t see Deal doing any better in 25-54 than news. Games shows don’t drive on demand viewing, And production and licensing costs would be higher than extending a 5pm news broadcast

So I cant see how this will be better than news at 6


By what measure. Yours?

Your measure is meaningless.

I think 250k on 10 would be acceptable by 10’s measure - which is what counts. 10’s 6pm offering has been SIGNIFICANTLY behind 9 and 7 for decades now.

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How well would it do for at 6.30 or 7? There might be an argument it’d be better used there and shorten or move The project

I think it would do the same. 630 news does about the same as 6pm news. its not like a lot of people turn the news off or turn the tv on at 630.

It would do better at 7:00pm

Yes that would be the only way this show might work and move The Project to 9:30pm. Solve two problems.

What makes Ten think DOND will do any better than the other 6pm game shows they’ve tried? Every show they’ve tried rates lower than the last.


Every time 10 try something new at 6pm they kill the timeslot a little bit more.
If they put news there 20 years ago and left it and marketed it it could be competitive.
Problem is the slot has been a rotating door for 20 years


I get that, but I do think it will do better (audience share wise) then Pointless or Celebrity Name Game did. DOND is a known and popular format.

Like the others, it will need to be changed in a few years (at most) when people move on. Maybe they can cycle between DOND/Family Fued every 6 months or so? Or even Wheel of Fortune or Ready Steady Cook if they can be expanded.


Do you think airing Family Feud on three channels made viewers switch off? I don’t understand but feud is a successful game show. I think 10 is killing successful game shows airing them at six. It is annoying 10 doesn’t move their news to 5.30.

Ten have almost never done well in the past few decades trying to compete with Nine and Seven with the same content. A 6pm gameshow offers an alternative for viewers who watched either of the 5pm gameshows on the other networks to keep watching light entertainment - while the 5pm news is a news alternative for those who don’t want a 5pm gameshow.

Splitting the 5pm gameshow pie further isn’t going to be better rating than they’ll do at 6.

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That’s what I wish they’d do

Great journalism there.

The host of Deal or No Deal was announced as Grant Denyer weeks ago.