Deal or No Deal

Figured I’d start a thread since it’s clearly happening soon.

Rumoured to be at 6PM on 10 next year.
Unknown whether it will run for an hour or half hour.
TVBB updated their original article to state it will be half hour with The Project unaffected.

Casting applications now open:

The original rumour posted last month:


Who we thinking they would likely go with as host?

Assume they’ll likely announce at Upfronts, if not sooner.

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As much as I like Grant Denyer, I hope it’s not him. Too many 6pm shows for him now.


Not sure if Ten should be trying any game show at 6 p.m. again. It has not worked for them in the past. How much money are they going to spend on something that does not work?

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I think Rodger Corser would be perfect for this.

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News / Current Affairs hasn’t really worked great either has it?

Not sure what else they could try in this slot :thinking:

We all know that the 6-7pm hour is a ratings disaster for 10. And had been for some time now. Lets face it, it is very hard to compete against both Seven and Nine’s News. But with the numbers heading towards SBS’ numbers, something does need to be done.

Will Deal or No Deal work at 6pm? Short term, perhaps. Medium to long term? Who knows. The show does need to revert back to a 30 minute daily show. Fast and quick. Remember, its just picking numbers 1-26 and opening up some briefcases. No need to drag it out to any hour.


You know they’d find a way to drag it out an hour


Family Feud did ok business in the timeslot for a few years and straight news isn’t working

Provided it’s well produced, a good format, and well advertised, I don’t see why a 6pm game show can’t work.

I know I prefer games over either of 7 or 9’s 6pm News Bulletins.

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I prefer Ten’s shorter 6-6.30 news than the one hour elsewhere but i am the minority


Didn’t they kill time back in the early days by having a quiz that chose the contestant?

They could also cut to the news headlines like seven used to do.

It’s only a few additional moments but :man_shrugging:t6:

There’s no way this game show will ever beat the news from Seven or Nine, but it’s good for 10 to revive an old game show.

The original version was once a week and an hour before it got its 5:30 slot in 2004, I don’t know when they dropped the opening quiz but at some point they did and would just select someone at random.



I suppose it could not hurt Ten to give it a try with another game show I always liked Deal or No Deal and I watch the American version a lot on Samsung TV Plus. I wonder if Beau Ryan could host this. I don’t think Ten have any talent left and if its Grant Denyer again I am going to scream.

Actually Julia Morris would be good for it.

I’d like to see someone completely new be the host.

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Well, after Woodbridge, I guess anything’s possible now


Julia Zemiro please!!!