COVID-19: Essential Shopping/Retail (Supermarkets, Food, Jigsaws etc)

Woolworths has reinstated product limits in Victoria following panic buying today.

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The categories are more widespread than last time, including new limits to fresh meat. Something to do with possible closure of local abbatoirs and meat processing plants under stage 4 lockdown?


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Woolworths will temporarily covert three of its Melbourne supermarkets as online delivery hubs. These stores will close to customers from tomorrow night.


I just went to Woolworths on my lunch break and gotta say I love these 1 customer per household/day limits. It was dead quiet and every person there was shopping on their own. It’s usually much busier at lunch time. There shouldn’t be anymore whingeing about busy supermarkets now.


Locations make sense, Dandenong Plaza & Mountain Gate both have other stores within 1km, and of course Watergardens has another location in the same shopping centre…


At the Woolworths I was at in Canberra this afternoon there is a massive sign at the entrance strongly encouraging everyone to wear a face mask. About half the staff had masks on, while less than a quarter of the customers had masks on.

I had one on and will continue to wear a mask while shopping, despite the discomfort I feel as my glasses always fog up. I don’t know how to avoid that happening. My glasses fogged up using the dust masks during the bushfires, and with these masks it is the same.


At the Woolworths in Sydney’s south this afternoon, all staff were wearing masks and about a third of customers were wearing them.


i have been told if it the disposal mask then surgical tape works


Never one to keep his opinions to himself, Lew has criticised Dan Andrews.

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Got an email from Kmart saying they were rolling out click and collect in the front of their NSW stores

Any other states doing this?

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Kmart Burwood have done this, similar set up to. Coleswith dedicated parking bays and a mobile number to call.

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I went to my local Coles this morning and they had absolutely nothing left in the meat department, unless you wanted a roast lamb, pork, chicken or beef every day of the week for the next six weeks.

Apart from that everything else was pretty well stocked in the store.

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Bunnings were in the media on the weekend begging for an exemption also.

I think its poor form from Bunnings, greedy, they have done pretty well this year out of the pandemic, compared to say Qantas who is sinking at a rate of $40m a week. The law is the law.

Without Coles obviously they are now going to feel the financial pain a lot more. The Shareholders can feel the pain like the rest if us are also.

Retailers should just be grateful that Contactless Click and Collect is even an option luckily given to them.

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I was resigned to the fact that I’d be sitting at home for 6 weeks. However they’re keeping us on (for the first few weeks, potentially all 6*) for the online part of the business. I’d expect after the first few weeks (which covers the pandemic leave pay we would have got anyway) they’ll shuffle the deck chairs and then only have the contracted workers on. And even then have it be a skeleton crew while the rest of us that have the appropriate amount of leave, take it.

Probably because of how bad their online presence is. The rest of the major retailers have functioning online stores.


I just find it odd that you can still buy fresh food relatively easily during stage 4 lockdown, but you have to go online to order t-shirts, socks and underpants.

Really? Food is essential. Clothing you already have.



with out food we all starve