COVID-19: Discussion of Impact 😷

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I have been thinking more about Daniel Andrews comments on the hotel quarantine system. And although I agree and have been saying for a while that this is not working. I just find his comments hypocritical. He had a perfect chance to stamp that out for the Australian Open and perhaps find a more suitable solution for an event he was bringing into Australia, but he didn’t. He was happy to take those in because he didn’t want ‘it to go to China’. If he thought the risk of Hotel Quarantine was that bad why didn’t he make his stance then?


Victoria’s latest numbers. Hopefully the new case is a primary/close contact.

Wasn’t there one from Thursday night that didn’t make the cut off? Could that be it?

Yes, but that was included yesterday.

So this would be an additional one.

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Regardless to only have 1 new case yesterday is a very good sign. Hopefully it’s someone already isolating. We’ve had over 20,000 tests each day all week which has to give confidence.

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VIC’s latest numbers -

The ABC reports a US Marine has been taken to Royal Darwin Hospital after testing positive to COVID-19 in quarantine. The soldier was one of 200 Marines who arrived in Darwin on Thursday. He is asymptomatic but will remain at the hospital until he recovers.

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Today’s NSW numbers - 28 days of no locally acquired cases.


Well done NSW on achieving elimination.


From Regional NSW, congratulations Sydney for achieving elimination.
Meanwhile, my area has gone 100 days without any transmission of Corona.

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That is a great result from NSW has WA lifted the border restrictions to NSW?

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New Zealand authorities have announced that three people in South Auckland, outside hotel quarantine, have contracted COVID-19.


Here we go again. The same thing is happening in New Zealand.

Absolutely everyone is discussing the viability of hotel quarantine and Scomos lack of accountability in stepping up to develop dedicated facilities.

How much longer can the fed govt hold off such a huge demand from the country?

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When it begins to affect polling.

It’ll be lifted on Tuesday - it was announced a few days ago.

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Auckland returning to level 3. Rest of NZ at Level 2
Strain of COVID still unknown

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Three cases. Lockdown. Utter stupidity.

AU/NZ obsession with zero covid is going to be more detrimental long term than what covid is itself… and even with comments that once the vaccine is here it doesn’t mean shit when it comes to restrictions and travel as it “doesn’t stop transmission, merely makes symptoms less severe” if that’s the case what is our fucking end game?