COVID-19: Discussion of Impact 😷

The police will still test if they suspect anyone is drunk or stoned.

The current advice is:

PDF here:

So police wearing masks is pointless according to this.


Al Roker is in quarantine

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Surprising with the RBTs; in NSW I haven’t had to physically blow into a breathalyser for a while now- it’s always count to 10 into the machine. But I suppose this involves close contact as well. In Victoria they were still using the old school breathalysers in 2016.

I suspect highway cops will have plenty to do if a mandatory lockdown is enforced, though.

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I came across this on the net. Which was written in 1981.

EDIT: 2008 and not 1981.


Guess you’ll have to wait til 2030 to see if the prediction is accurate! :sweat_smile:

yes and that if it vanishes quickly this year.

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This article shows that the prediction is far from accurate.


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I must have gotten it messed up with this book.

Canada has closed the border to non citizens and permanent residents, EXCEPT to US citizens.

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A discussion for another thread, but generally speaking the older type of breathalyser tends to be more accurate at estimating BAC than the ‘count to 10’ models used in NSW

Reported that Tom Hanks released from hospital.

Actors Idris Elba and former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko have tested positive to coronavirus.

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People who read this would be inclined to think… " I don’t need to self isolate… I just need to wear a mask when I go out"… I also think the word “preventing” should be changed to “may help in reducing the risk of…”

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Today I will be heading off to university with my mask on. I will have to work in a separate location inside the campus rather than in a group. I received an email from someone’s telling me that the Social group will be cancelled this Wednesday due to concerns relating to coronavirus. There will be less than 300 people in the library.

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The report from Deadline is incorrect.

As posted Tom Hanks has been released from hospital. His wife is still in isolation.


Many tour and charter bus companies around Australia are really feeling the pinch. Those with government school and route work contracts can weather the storm. Those who exclusively do tours and charters will struggle.


ABC Response to COVID-19

At this challenging time the priority for the ABC is to ensure we continue to provide the trusted service all Australians expect and can always turn to.

The ABC has implemented several measures to protect vital services and ensure the wellbeing of our employees and guests. Contingency planning is well advanced to ensure the continuation of services despite future developments regarding COVID-19.

Every area of the ABC is adjusting its operations. Key measures include:

  • Suspending all audiences for any live broadcast or in-studio recording.
  • Utilising other technologies such as Skype to reduce guests attending the ABC.
  • Suspending non-essential meetings and events at ABC offices and non-essential visitors, including public tours of ABC buildings.
  • Postponing live concerts for Playschool and Giggle & Hoot.
  • Suspending non-essential domestic and international travel for our employees.
  • Supporting our employees to work remotely.
  • Reconfiguring office space to comply with “social distancing” recommendations.

In addition to these measures, contingency plans are in place to ensure the continuity of core functions and essential production and content, led by news and information services on digital, television and on radio.

The ABC’s Emergency Broadcasting service is liaising with Health Departments in all jurisdictions to broadcast public health and safety information as the situation develops.

The ABC also remains committed to continue broadcasting other emergency information, relating to fires, floods or cyclones. Steps are being taken to ensure this can continue.

The ABC’s dedicated coronavirus digital site has the latest breaking news, our complete coverage, the daily 10-minute Coronacast podcast featuring health expert Dr Norman Swan, links to further information and a place for people to submit questions for our team to answer. Go to Coronavirus - ABC News

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I’ve made the decision to cut my stay in Toronto short. Was hoping to be here for two years, but this unprecedented crisis has made me reconsider. I’d most likely have decided to staying here if I had already found a job, but that window has probably passed for the foreseeable future, what with the crazy stock market crashes that are occurring. I’ll probably be on a flight tomorrow or the next day, once I tie up a few loose ends (though there certainly will be a huge number of loose ends left untied).


I am really sorry you have to cut short your stay in Canada. Good luck with the future and hope you are prepared for two weeks of self isolation when you return home.