Mostly because of the blood clotting issue, I would think.
When will life return to normal?
Because for me that means no predicted dates to be worried about and gone are the days of potential restrictions and mandates as well zero to none news coverage about the disease.
Another thing I also have noticed was that businesses around the nation still has COVID-Related information written on walls both at the physical workplace and on the websites. Everytime I see these things in the community, I always say to myself: I thought we’re done with COVID.
This is what we call the “new normal”.
Covid isn’t going anywhere so you’re still going to see and hear about it.
It was because there isn’t the same demand for vaccines that there once was but antivaxxers would want you to believe otherwise.
How has life not returned to normal? What dates are you worried about and where has there been any talk of any mandates or restrictions? I can’t believe we are still having this conversation in mid-2024.
All I can say to this is that from the pandemic we have learnt a lot about infectious disease and how simple measures in the workplace or public places (like sanitising or avoiding a handshake or not going to the office when sick) are just measures that people are more aware of now. Not just for covid but to avoid colds, flus or any bugs really.
Experts still set dates for when Waves will occur. That all needs to stop because I thought we were done with COVID.
Covid isn’t over. Same as the common cold or the flu isn’t over. It’s always going to be here. What restrictions are you frightened of? Pretty much everywhere is operating at pre-covid levels now?
I understand, but imagine if I went on vacation back to Western Australia, I will have to be aware that COVID measures and restrictions may not be ruled out over there.
What on earth are you talking about?
Firstly, are you planning on visiting WA?
Secondly, what restrictions are they imposing in WA? The WA Government Covid website hasn’t been updated for literally a year.
COVID is still very prevalent in the community. Parts of Aged Care homes are going into lockdown on a weekly basis. Some health care and other settings still require routine and frequent testing. Medical professionals and facilities are still taking appropriate precautions.
I had an elderly parent in hospital recently and I was surprised that they weren’t testing for covid and that no staff were wearing masks. I honestly thought that’s the least they should be doing. The only staff member wearing a mask was a catering contractor
I moved from WA to VIC a few months ago and I might visit there once every year starting in a few years time
I could be wrong but wasn’t there media articles about flu season before covid?
Yes there was.
ok. well none of us are psychic, so we can’t predict the world will be doing in a few years time. But I can guess that covid will still be with us in some form, as it is right now.
I am very confused by this conversation. You are worried about potential COVID measures in WA when you visit in a few years time, even though there has been close to zero in place anywhere for at least a couple of years (other than the obvious aged care / medical type measures which should always continue).
Sorry, but during November of 2023, I felt scare-mongered when there were news articles about mask mandates. However that did happen only in state hospitals and looking at the Western Australia Government websites (A few), some of the information on there still says that face masks are not mandatory in Western Australia.
The only best thing at the moment with COVID is that, unlike the first 24 months of the Pandemic, were there any dates to be worried about? The answer is every day because What if before 10am zero new cases overnight? I would not be hopeful of having a good rest of the day because throughout the course of day, that number of cases of zero could increase.
What are you talking about zero Covid days?? We haven’t had those for years??
I am getting more confused each time there is a new post in this conversation.