COVID-19: Discussion (2022 Onwards)

I was in the doctor’s surgery last week when an elderly couple came in. The wife had an appointment but the husband wanted to ask the doctor some questions so asked if they could squeeze in an appointment for him too. The wife had done a Covid test but the husband hadn’t. So the receptionist asked him to take one before he went in.

I was only with them for five minutes and went in for my consultation. As I came out, I was hearing one receptionist saying he tested positive in a panicked voice. They put on masks and ordered him straight out of the surgery. Goes to show there are people with Covid walking around unaware they have it.

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This goes part and parcel with ‘living with’ covid - there are going to be people who are asymptomatic and have no idea that they’re spreading it.


Sorry to hear that.
Do you have any family members with medical conditions?

What if you still went along, but wore a mask and tried standing/sitting away from others? I know easier said than done though.

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I’ve been staying with my grandparents in their late 80’s which I’m extremely worried about.


Fair enough… good luck

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Is there any chance you can plan a gathering after? I know it wouldn’t be the same. My grandparents are in Bali for Christmas and it’s normally hosted at their house so we have a Christmas-like gathering for early January planned.

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Definitely seems on the up at the moment.

We had a withdrawal from a family dinner tonight with Covid and on the other side of the family, we have someone who will be ‘clear’ on Christmas morning so can host the Xmas day function.

Sorry to hear @David that you won’t be able to celebrate together

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Thank you all. I really appreciate it.

Strangely enough all my symptoms are gone and I’m just left with a cough.

It’s devastating. I’m going to miss Xmas due to a simple cough.


Maybe it’s too risky if you have elderly relatives there, but could you possibly still attend and sit at a safe distance away from everyone else and wear a mask? Especially if your symptoms are reducing.

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My mum (who’s tested negative everyday) is in talks with the family to see if they are comfortable with this option.


if you are still testing positive you can still spread it, maybe your immune system is strong but to someone else it can be horror. Or you can feel better one day and then the next day feel pretty awful.

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Not a big fan of mandating masks again it should be an individuals choice to wear it. Obviously if you’re sick stay home. I’m just speaking in general of course.

I hope everything works out for you!


people are just careless and don’t give a rats about anything except themselves.


But we just have to life with it now . You do what is comfortable for you.

I will be wearing a mask on the plane but I won’t tell someone else to do the same because they have they rights to do what is good for them.
But as soon as I’m at the airport in Melbourne it’s coming off.


Sorry, again, and I know you’ll probably don’t care but today was a truely awful day.

I’m still fine and positive but fine however I ended up passing it onto my elderly grandparents in their late 80’s and as you can imagine I feel guilty cause they got it from me.

My Pop ended up needing an ambulance as he couldn’t stand up from his chair. He was taken to hospital. My mum went and visited and to everyone’s relief they said he will be staying for a few days but he will be fine, I don’t know how they know that but I won’t argue. I’m so happy and relieved. Honestly. This feeling.

I wouldn’t know how I could live with myself if I was responsible if something awful happened to him.

I’m staying in Sydney indefinitely until they’re both better and going to spend lots of time with them.


very sorry to read about your grandparents, hope your granddad is home and well soon.


Thank you so much.
Me too.

Certainly been a life changing few days and a big wake up call for sure.


did your grandparents go to Christmas event yesterday?

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Hi David, sorry to hear about your grandparents and that is awesome of,you staying in Sydney to take care and spend time with them. Wishing you all the best ,ate. Sending you hugs from the pub.:face_with_peeking_eye:


4 years to the day since the WHO was alerted for a mysterious pneumonia outbreak similar to SARS which turned out to be the COVID pandemic.