COVID-19: Discussion (2022 Onwards)


Lookout WA, masks are back! :grin:

I wouldn’t be surprised if some hospitals, aged care and other medical centres were taking their own steps already which could mean some places in other states may already be doing it.

I already made the decision to start wearing a mask, ans most likely while in Melbourne too. Even though I’m vaccinated. I have never had COVID. But still.

I’ve never caught COVID yet either,

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I think I am prepared to get it, but it would be nice not too. I start summer school next week! (first part - online) :stuck_out_tongue: C

I’ve never had COVID.

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Me either. Not that i know of anyway!


My medical centre has a doctor who refuses to see patients unless they have a mask on. But they don’t tell the patient until he calls them up for their appointment. They don’t even provide masks so imagine their annoyance and surprised they they come in to medical centre without a mask and being told this.

On the other sides to that, perhaps the patients should carry a mask in case in. No doubt that though they will mandate mask to be worn though.

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That’s not right. If a medical centre or doctor wants a patient to wear a mask, they should provide one.

Or at the very least, when the patient makes the appointment, they are asked to bring one with them. A lot of patients will forget though.


From what I understand what you suggested is what they should do at the very least , they tell the patients right at the last minute . Oh sorry I did misspeak they do offer masks but only when the doctor tells you to get one from the reception.

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There was never any Drs that I came across that were like that, especially in a medical centre. Normally if they did have the rule in place at the time it was up to reception to encourage people to wear them. By the time you get to the Dr they are only focused on why you are there. When the mendates were in this is the only time you would see the Drs also asking about masks.
This was my experience anyway. Hospitals and aged care would be diffrent.

Yeah that’s true Jack , hopefully my doctors will change it’s currently Covid policies and ensure they they warn their patients about mask wearing if requested.
I have accepted the latest advice from ATAGI on the use of new COVID-19 XBB 1.5 vaccine.

The XBB 1.5 vaccines will be available along with the existing bivalent vaccines.

All available COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide strong protection against serious disease.
If you haven’t had your recommended dose(s) in 2023 this is a good reminder to get vaccinated.

If you’ve had your recommended doses for 2023, you remain well protected against severe disease from COVID-19.

Doses of XBB 1.5 will be delivered to providers throughout December.
Check your eligibility here:

I’ve already had five COVID vaccines.

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Diving into the data, it’s clear that when it comes to healthcare spending and excess deaths, Australia has fared pretty well compared to other countries included in the AIHW analysis.

Australia also had one of the world’s lowest excess mortality rates.

Australia closing its borders early and putting strict lockdowns in place played a large role in reducing both healthcare spending and excess deaths, Professor Dantas said.

I came back to Sydney with my family on Wednesday, after moving to Brisbane 9 weeks ago, for Christmas.

I had planned a large lunch for today with my father’s side of the family as we can never seem to all get together on the day itself.

I woke up this morning and tested positive and will now miss my nephews first Christmas.

Naturally I burst into tears when my dad rung from the car on his way home after telling me about the day they had.

I fucking hate this disease.

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Sorry to hear this David. Do you have any symptoms?

I still get irritated by the lack of control from the government about COVID. No need to enforce lockdowns but at least get masks in certain (risky) situations etc.

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Yes, I have a runny nose and a cough. It’s not that bad I don’t think but still enough for me to miss the whole week of plans.

I agree, there’s more the government could be doing, maybe masks on the plane needs to return.

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I am glad you didn’t go and spread your disease, naturally there would be some people who would not just care.

I agree about masks on planes but should be extended to buses, trains and ubers/taxis.

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