COVID-19: Discussion of Impact 😷

Yes, this thing has the potential to cause mental health issues for those who have to bear the brunt of the economic impact.

Overall health is not just about viral health.

Its a delicate balancing act.


Yes- perhaps I’m not the best person to be commenting on this issue as I’m fairly introverted- and am fairly happy with indoor pursuits. But I realise the adjustment for others will be very difficult and yes, may lead to social disorder and crime. I will dislike not being able to travel freely but that’s a sacrifice I’m prepared to make.


Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, due to be held in Sydney in May, is the latest event to be cancelled due to coronavirus.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are now in self-isolation.

Big news to break today about coronavirus.

Related to what specifically?

Closure of schools finally? Restaurants etc?

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There was a hoax going around on social media last night relating to a lockdown based on what’s happened in Malaysia.

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A lot of comments on Twitter that the government is going to impose a 14 day lockdown.
A case of “my friend works for the government…” whether it’s true or not we will see.

So its not true then?

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They’ve just said on the radio that it was a hoax message being circulated. No such decision…yet.


As I would have expected.
When it’s a case of “a friend of mine who has a friend who…” it’s sketchy anyway.

I am so sick of people going around saying stuff like this based on no fact. My brother last night was telling me how there is a “rumour” that we will be in full lockdown from Thursday. I was trying to tell him that going to people like my parents with false things like that based on no fact is not helpful to anyone. Also the amount of people (and even media) that use the word “apparently” or “could” are doing my head in. People need to stop spreading panic. I think we are all prepared for these possibilities but I just don’t see fuelling rumours useful to anyone.

I do think that it’s likely more restrictions will be imposed before the end of the week. How far they will go… who knows. Wait and see.


The idiot is keeping the schools open. These people rubbing the show have no idea. School isn’t essential yet they define it as such. Sorry we can’t inconvenience precious parents who might actually have to do some parenting for once.

According to SMH, the following areas are exempt from the 100 person ban: airports, stations, platforms, stops, trains, trams, buses, medical and health service facilities, emergency service facilities, disability or aged care facilities, correctional facilities, youth justice centres or other places of custody, courts or tribunals, parliaments, food markets, supermarkets, grocery store, retail stores, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, construction sites, mining sites and other workplaces necessary for their normal operation.

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You still can go out for walks to local park or doing some gardening . I thi i that’s what I plan to do during this time.


I completely disagree. Shutting schools shuts the economy. Parents then can’t work and a lot of parents then don’t get paid. A big chunk of the workforce, including medical staff, then have kids at home. It’s a domino effect. Of course if a school had a case close that school… But worldwide stats show kids are very minimal risk of transmission or any issues from it.

Also put into perspective the fact that there are so few cases that have occured through community transmission. In Victoria of over 100 recorded cases, only 2 were person to person. The rest have come from travellers. I agree with every measure in place so far to reduce mass spreads so we don’t have a situation like Europe but we are not at any point where everything needs to shut down. We are well ahead of most places with our restrictions and the stats show it’s mostly coming in from overseas.

This will probably go on for months as well, so how long do you then keep a kid out if school? If a parent can and wants to pull a kid from school go for it. But it’s important some people have some normality in their lives and that people can still earn a living. School is a safe space at this stage and school holidays in Vic start just next week anyway.


I generally agree, but given the lack of testing kits Australia still is only testing people who have contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19.
Not testing means we don’t know if there are other cases, spreading person-to-person.
Hopefully the test kit shortage won’t last long.

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So to hell with the teachers. Schools aren’t childcare centers. Kids over 13 can look after themselves. Then parents make arrangements for younger kids.

All the arguments are flawed. Given the holidays are on in two weeks the schools will be closed as it is. Just close the god damn places. May schools have made the decisions as you can to follow the distance protocols in schools. It’s just not practical.

To hell with the parents. They chose to have kids. Deal with it. Why should single people with no kids suffer. Schools and teachers are not babysitters. Learning can be done online.