Climate, Weather and Emergencies

Was listening to radio from the US this afternoon that was interrupted by their emergency warning system about immanent flash flooding. Lots of rain over there now.

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The median here for June is 36mm .

Only got to 19,6 deg today 19.9 in Mackay… was warmer in the Gold Coast than Mackay !

It was much wetter in 2016 I remember some huge fall all at once in winter also a year after El Nino developed .


Thanks, that explains the wet conditions up in Townsville tonight for Women’s Origin. I thought it was a bit unusual for this time of year.

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The median for June here is 36mm and we’ve had 119mm here in 5 days . (Also rained first 2 days of June)

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With the current high pressure system that’s been sitting over Tasmania for a few days we’ve had some stunningly clear winter days but some freezing nights. It’s been -1 and below at our place the past 3 mornings and there’s more to come. That’s nothing compared to Liawenee though with -10 yesterday and then -12.9°C this morning.

Something else though is a relatively long standing record could be about to be broken. Currently the highest recorded air pressure in Australia was 1044.3 hPa at Launceston in June 1967. Sheffield has just recorded 1043 hPa at 7:30 this evening.


Doesn’t look like the air pressure record has broken however Liawenee has broken their July record set yesterday with -13.5 earlier this morning. Another -1 here so going to have to defrost the car again this morning.


It has been freezing in Glen Waverley in Melbourne’s east for the last two nights. The gas heater in my home is barely coping.


Conversely, it has been the opposite here the last few nights with the cloud cover. A min temp of 12.1 last night is quite mild for this time of year.

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It looks like the record did get broken at 10:30am this morning at Sheffield with a 1044.6 hPa recorded. Interesting article here explaining a few things about the current system and in particular interesting to read about the effects on the sea levels currently - as well as the Russian record for max air pressure 1089 hPa!

Australia’s highest air pressure on record observed as monster high engulfs the nation - ABC News

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Very mild here too under the influence of SE winds and cloud. It’s the reverse of what usually happens in winter; in easterlies its eastern NSW that gets disturbed weather (cloud, wind, showers) that inhibit cold overnight temperatures.

That being said, even Bungendore has no chance of -13, even under optimal conditions such as in Tasmania at present. The record at Braidwood is a rounded -10.

Our highest min temp in July on record is nearly 17. Average is around 8. Lately we’ve been about halfway been the two.

This map for Thursday is indicative of the setup:


Notice how the ACT is the dividing line between the warmer overnight temps in the east and the cooler overnight temps in the west. The easterly cloud stops right at the Brindabellas. Weatherwise, you can say that the ACT is the boundary between eastern Australia and southern Australia.

Bungendore and Braidwood are firmly in the ‘well above average’ zone (4-6C above the July average).

The area with the greatest negative anomaly on this day is actually in the southern NT, NW of Alice Springs.

Yeppoon is averaging 4 deg above average for min temps .

It has felt cooler the last few days with gusty Se winds but today they are finally dying down.

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Was 8 degrees and showers this morning when I went to work… was so nice to not have to go through the ice on the car after a week of it every morning!

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I’m in Townsville and it’s 26 degrees here. But it’s overcast and a slightly muggy 26. Not the weather I expected, I had anticipated a spring like 26 that you’d get in NSW or VIC.

Given its only July, I can definitely understand why people move back south. I know some people acclimatise and some love it, but definitely not for everyone.


A recent Antarctic weather event has increased the chance of a warmer and drier spring for NSW and SE QLD, but a wetter one for the VIC, SA, WA Southern coasts and TAS. A bit the opposite of what we’ve seen so far this year.

That’s the best time of the year to be up there,summer is unbearable for southerners or anyone else who’s not used to the weather up that way.Mackay wasn’t too hot for me the last 2 days

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