Climate, Weather and Emergencies

Yeah but for Perth is 43mm overnight a lot ?

The waters off the west coast and off Sydney are warmer than average than off Central Qld .

BOM says the median rain for Sydney Obs Hill for June is 102.8mm .

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Perth is only dry in summer.

In winter, they probably get even more rain than Sydney does I think?

I remember reading sometime ago their average monthly rainfall in winter is something like 180 mm.

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The median for June July and August according to the BOM for Perth

123.2mm 142.0mm 123.6mm

388.8mm that adds up to.

87.4mm in May and 80.2mm in September

So 555.6mm of their 737mm yearly rainfall falls May- September.

Sydney May - September 372mm

But i swear since 2020 it seems every year Sydney gets some massive rain event.

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Yes, thanks to 3 La Nina’s in a row.

They keep saying the drought will return, hasn’t really been any sign of it yet.

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Fingers crossed its only minor.

Anomalous easterly winds are the cause of both Sydney’s excess rain and Perth’s excess hot and dry. Easterlies draw air off the (very warm) Tasman for Sydney and also the (hot and dry) Australian landmass for Perth. In Canberra the easterlies have been moderating both summer and winter temperature extremes in recent years; nights have been as high as 9C in Bungendore during this wet spell (the June average minimum is 1C). Summer maximum temperatures have scarcely been above 32C since Black Summer 2019-20, though nights have generally been warmer than average in all seasons.

At least Perth and the SWLD is getting some cold fronts at the moment, albeit with some associated destructive weather (two tornadoes in Bunbury for example). These WA peaking cold fronts together with the warm humid easterlies off the Tasman spell disaster for the NSW/VIC ski resorts; the webcams tell you all you need to know. It’s early days, but at this point I’d be saving coin for a NH trip if I was a snow sports enthusiast.

Crazy though…

Perth had 17 deg min that is way above the 9 deg average.

It is currently averaging nearly 5 deg above this month for min temps.

It’s warmer this month for max and min temps overall in Perth than in Brisbane !

Also the BOM said winter was an over 80 percent chance of it being warmer than normal for min temps yet June this year in my part of Qld has been cooler than last year ! EC model is showing cooler and drier.

Yeah I noticed that, even Bickley at the top of the 'scarp hasn’t had a night below 10C this June. No frost here this month so far, just mild wet and windy.

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Both things could be a sign that ski resorts in NSW and Victoria will struggle to make money this winter. Not enough natural snow and the high cost of food and accommodation could detract visitors, and it costs a lot of money to make artificial snow from machines.


Thredbo has seen the writing on the wall for some time now and is pivoting towards ‘green season’ or summer activities such as mountain biking and bushwalking. The other resorts still have some way to go in this regard. I visited Falls Creek in January and it was basically a ghost town apart from some day visitors, Hotham similar.

I am convinced Kevin Blyton (Capital Radio) and owner of Selwyn Resort rebuilt it purely as a tax write off. It’s both the northernmost and lowest of the ski resorts and is already probably too marginal.

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I was almost going to post that article, once again @TV-Expert does the honours!

The article does qualify the ‘cold city’ tag by mentioning that it gets quite hot in summer as well, and that is down to the distance from the ocean. Elevation helps moderate the high end extreme summer temperatures (45C+) but 570 m isn’t high enough to escape long runs above 30, even 35C. I’d thus title the article ‘Why is Canberra such a cold city in winter?’

An A+ article would contrast Canberra’s winter temps with that of Tumbarumba (600 m ASL) on the other side of the range, mentioning that Canberra’s winters are actually quite mild for the altitude and latitude. There are relatively few days that fail to reach 10C, especially nowadays. This is down to the shielding effect of the Brindabellas and the Foehn effect from the winter westerlies as they descend said mountains. The Foehn also accounts for the predominance of cold, dry and frosty (albeit sunny) conditions in a Canberra winter.

A classic SW Foehn day today with a temperature range of -3 to 11 in Bungendore.


Might be a false winter and July and August end up warmer.

I find June to be the most wintry month these days. July usually sees a rapid warm up at the end of the month, even in Canberra. By August it’s full on spring apart from the odd wintry change.

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Bungendore is up there in terms of consistently cold minimum temperatures. Poor Oberon doesn’t even get a mention in that article. The quoted July maximum for Bombala (6.5) is way off the mark too, it’s around 10-11C which is unremarkable and not much cooler than Bungendore. Bombala’s ‘strength’ in cold temperatures is its proximity to Bass Strait- actually the opposite of what the article suggests- which means it can receive cold air year round. Bombala’s summer averages are still warm but you can get the odd day that doesn’t break out of the low teens even in January.

Orange and Ballarat have the coldest winter maximum temperatures of the major centres; both are below 10C for their July maxima.

Just in case you missed it!

We forecast on @10NewsFirstSyd last night that there was a good chance of this milestone being reached today and👇

At 2pm this afternoon SYDNEY exceeded its annual average rainfall surpassing 1222mm!
And it is only June! ☔️@10NewsFirstSyd #rain

— Josh Holt (@JoshHoltTEN) June 22, 2024
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