Nine have come up with yet another new consumer advice “gory scenes” which will be used for an episode of Bite Club soon.
With the use of gory scenes, I reckon that Bite Club could be upgraded to MA15+ if Nine decides to do so.
I don’t know why they would want to do that, unless necessary (as generally a TV show will have all episodes meeting the same classification level, such as “M”). Though it could still be broadcast at 8:30pm under the new ACMA code.
7mate airing “Predator 2” (1990) Monday week. 9pm instead of usual 8:30pm, but Seven usually always try 8:30pm unless that can’t edit it appropriately, which I take it they couldn’t so leaving it uncut for 9pm.
Interestingly, Seven haven’t listed it as repeat, so guides saying it’s a “premiere” which is surely incorrect due to its age. Ten last had rights of course before losing 20C Fox back to Seven, it was on ONE and there’s actually a YouTube video with its classification (Seven have also classified it differently).
So at 8:30pm they have Pawn Stars as a filler.
Seven have Predator listed as a repeat in all their official guides. They are not even claiming it as a First Time on 7Mate.
That would be because it isn’t, Seven once had the rights for about 20 years before Ten.
Seven gave tonight’s 2nd epsiode of Simpsons (Weekend at Burnses) a plain “PG” classification.
Ten gave it “M” with “Drug Use”.
This is still visible on eBroadcast tonight, who for some reason don’t update the classification when a program/movie shifts networks.
Subject matter dealing with Homer’s use of medicinal marijuana (visual and verbal depictions throughout the episode). Interesting.
The DVDs of The Simpsons Season 13 are rated PG, “Mild animated violence, themes, sexual references, drug use and infrequent coarse language”. I guess Seven went with that?
They’re not supposed to. Guidelines are different between DVD and TV for some reason.
Networks use the ACB’s decisions on a daily basis, they have access to the reports which the public dont (e.g.) movies - which FTA networks do have to use ACB’s guidelines.
Otherwise for TV shows, if they’ve had a DVD release before a network first acquires them, they can use the ACB’s decision as a guide.
In the case of Ten many years ago giving it “M” with “Drug Use”, is was and pretty much still is the standard, that use of drugs is pretty much never allowed on TV at the “PG” level, only references. So seems to be changing?
The commercial television code of practice does allow the depiction of drug use at the PG level. That Simpsons episode, as I understand it, depicted both legal marijuana use and illegal marijuana use.
I understand that. But I’m saying “Drug Use” as consumer advice was almost never used at the PG level, until recently, that’s only one example. Fact is, Ten gave it M. Those PG guidelines haven’t been changed in many years.
Ten classified “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” (2002) as “PG” with “Mild Coarse Language & Mature Themes”.
Despite the ACB classifying it as “G” and that has held for 16 years now.
A rare but it does happen example, of a network refuting the ACB’s decision, bumping it up a level.
Well yes, I tend to agree with Nine and Ten, in that I can’t remember hearing the words “shit” and “ass” in any G rated program in the modern era.
They seem to have no problem with “shit”, “arse” or “dickhead” on The Project these days so a lot more is allowed.
But that is PG, to be fair? Or is it exempt from classification being news-ish?
It’s not PG. That’s my point.
Yes, but it’s also technically not G. Have a look at the Code stipulations for “E” (Exempt From Classification).
Of interest I think … It was discussed on Mediaspy at the time that The 7pm Project was initially rated PG but it dropped the classification and became classed as a news program when it moved to 6:00pm in 2012.