That episode was “Return of An Old Friend” the two part episode of Mighty Morphin Season 1 when Jason David Frank (R.I.P) returned as Tommy in his second stint as the Green Ranger in the second half of Season 1. I’m pretty sure that a lot of special episodes of MMPR aired on prime time on Channel 7 too such as the Season 2 premiere “The Mutiny” (which had Lord Zedd take over as the main antagonist for that season) and White Light, which had Tommy return for the second time as the newly created White Ranger.
I don’t think its that crazy for them to air Power Rangers on a Saturday at 6:30, Seven tended to favor family themed programming at 6:30 on Saturday nights and Power Rangers was a massive cultural thing from that time period. I mean Ten would do something similar in 2000 when Pokemon was at the height of its popularity by airing episodes at the same time slot on Saturdays.
I think Channel 7 also aired the first five episodes of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon in August of 1990 to promote the live action film adaptation which was coming out at the time too.
IIRC, this was the last time Friends was shown on Channel 7 since they only had the rights to air season 1 when it (belatedly) premiered in August of 1996 and in December of the same year, Season 2-onwards aired on Nine. Right?
I just remember vaguely (as a kid) when it premiered on Ch7.
My understanding, Seven pushed out Season 1 to delay Season 2 launching on Nine. I could be wrong but I think Nine replayed Season 1 over the summer 96/97 prior to launching Season 2.
Nine also obtained Lois & Clark with the new deal. I believe that was Season 4.
I remember seeing the Coca-Cola Interactive night on Prime in Victoria, first up they had the final episode of Friends S1 (The One With the Birth) followed by the pilot episode of Home and Away.
For Perth viewers, the 2004 Australian Open coverage stopped at 3pm then resumed at 7.30pm on Australia Day before being interrupted for a Special Presentation at 10:30pm for approximately 30 mins then resuming again at 11.00pm.
I remember the Hewitt vs Federer match was played on the evening of Australia Day that year so for Perth viewers it would’ve been delayed by three hours.
If I remember correctly, Seven News Perth aired almost immediately after that epic Djokovic vs Nadal match? It would’ve finished just after 10:30pm Perth time (1:30am Melb time).