Chris & Julia’s Sunday Night Takeaway

No, reheated is what you do with left overs, which would indicate what was left over from the oringal

Reheated is definitely another word for repeated not left over


Except majority of the program was live so I’m not sure they’d have anything left over that didn’t air.


The live editions improved week on week. The producing was sharpened and it was much better. So you should stick around for the ‘reheated’.

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Stay tuned for the special episode at the end of the series titled “Leftovers” :stuck_out_tongue:

The show had 3 factors working against it:

  1. Wrong Time of year - Summer when people are out. Should be a winter time show
  2. Not enough prep time - Chris & Julia got back from the jungle less than a week before IIRC, So they didn’t have enough time to rehearse & refine.
  3. Up against MAFS. Nothing was going to survive that.

I think if they did it in Winter, refined it a bit (look at the UK original - they fit so much more in an hour than we did!) and aired it away from MAFS it might have a chance. I’d bring it back next winter when social distancing is over, as all broadcasters are going to have holes…

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But Survivor survived it, this year. :wink:


Also they kept saying Sunday Night Takeaway. I guess we don’t even know what day at is at this point so they can get away with it.

Will Reheated get encored, and then repeated, later in the week? :stuck_out_tongue:

With all the different names thrown around, wouldn’t be long before they have a ‘Takeaway Uncensored’ planned :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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you cant reheat something twice, it will poison you

The ratings are in

A great comment on Twitter.


They needed to at least trying something new in that slot like unaired episodes of Celebrity Name Game.

It’s quite curious that even when a show flops Ten still performs significantly better in the 16-39 demo than total people.

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And for the 19 people who actually watched the show over the last two weeks - the show has been bumped to 3.50pm to today on Ten. The dreaded daytime Saturday slot. Where shows go and die… lol


Shocked they’re even bothering to air it!


Gotta keep Chris and Julia busy I suppose :man_shrugging:

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Think this show was waaay underrated. It was great family fun and would love to see Ten revisit this for Saturday nights all year round as they have no sport.
Definitely with new hosts (they have no choice) and use for comedians, musical performance and giveaways like the old days of hey hey.
We need variety back on TV!!!


Unfortunately it wouldn’t add up economically. It rated poorly when it was on Sundays and Saturdays are already a basket case for 10. It’s good to be optimistic but it’s realistically never going to work.