CH9 Today's Crisis Meeting Think Tank

Indeed. Which is why I’m saying that they can’t afford to throw big bucks at it, for little returns.

Thanks, Eddie. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Shafted, sorry.

Whether you call it your shaft or your bone, it’s essentially the same thing. :joy:

Moved on? Phased out? Special correspondent for 60 Minutes?

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I too would like to echo the sentiment that Agro should replace Karl, the question however is will viewers recognise that they’ve replaced one puppet with a hand up his arse for another?

Bring back the summer of 03/04 crew of Richard Wilkins, Garry Lyon and (I think) Sharyn Ghidella. From memory, they brought the news of Saddam being captured to Australians.

  1. Move it to a pub
  2. Get presenters drunk
  3. Film resulting car-wreck
  4. Profit.

Oh boy.


Can you suggest your local Early Opener?

Perhaps Today need to do this.

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The second half, at least.

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:thinking: I wonder if you can turn back time, Hugh Marks?



Okay that gif is hurting my eyes.


What did Sunrise change in 2016? Wasn’t it just a new set & graphic, the Eddy/Sam Mac change and in particular the marble floor that was a turnoff?

They had a very American format (similar to NBC’s Today) with a lot of sweeping and panning shots (I remember viewers on Facebook complaining about the latter).

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New set, new desk, new graphics, Eddy was given a new role, Sam Mac replaced her on weather, Nelson was dropped. Isn’t that enough?

The problem was it was too many changes at once and viewers felt like it wasn’t the same show any more and not in a good way.

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That’s an excellent point… viewers don’t like change.

There’s a reason most networks keep their newsreaders for so long, familiarity, trust etc

This is particularly the case for older viewers who now, in general terms, make up most of audience for scheduled linear TV


Rebecca Maddern had like a few weeks (if that) as part of the re-vamp and was also there the morning they unveiled it.

And was poached by Nine (Footy Show) thereafter… Gee, that turned out great.


I don’t have a particular favourite, but can recommend The Courthouse in Newtown.

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I believe Amanda Patterson, now the QTQ news boss, also had a turn as part of that triad.

Poor Sharyn is still recovering from sitting near Garry and Dickie for that long.

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