Brands, Products and Promotions

I saw it for the first time in the supermarket today. I was wondering if an advertising campaign will follow.

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Big Red are back too


The what? Bring back Tazo’s, I say.


The Gobbledock: “Ahh, chipies! Chippy, chippy, chippy.”

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I second this. :+1: We have tons of Simpsons Tazo’s from Smith’s Chips Packets over the years.

How many packs of chips did you have to eat to get tons of Tazos?

Those were awesome! The Big Red ones to a lesser extent as well. :smiley:


Agree. Bega Tasty Cheese were awesome and they still are. I couldn’t resist buying them today and they didn’t disappoint.

Not a fan of the Big Red tomato flavour though. They did have a Ham and Keen’s Mustard one too last time but I was not that keen on the Keen either. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Salt and vinegar or GTFO

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Never liked Salt and Vinegar.

Smiths Crisps Salt and Vinegar contains Flavour Enhancer(621) which is MSG.

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Don’t all the flavours contain MSG?

MSG used to give me migraines.

MSG being harmful is an urban myth to humans. There has not been sufficient testing on @Bort’s species, however.

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Well I was only alerted to it by a workmate who refused to eat Smiths Crisps Salt & Vinegar at work parties because he says he has an adverse reaction to it and it makes him spew. :laughing:

Not sure but the plain salted variety don’t.

I know the Roast Chicken ones contain Sugar and I have really noticed it, which has made me go off them completely in the past few years.

Me too - terrible movie.



Here’s the gobbledok on the pack of Bega Tasty Cheese. The other flavour is Heinz Tomato Ketchup

Story also mentions:

  • Doritos Tacos at Midnight
  • Doritos Southern Fried Chicken
  • Red Rock Deli Coated Peanuts
  • Smiths Teriyaki Chicken Thinly Cut
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Another example of regional variants of the same brand:

Thane International uses the Thane brand in the Americas, UK, Ireland and Netherlands. TVINS is used in parts of Europe and Danoz in Australia and NZ.


Vodafone is known as Vodacom in Africa.


I notice the Vodacom brand from watching the Super Rugby matches held in South Africa.

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