Between Two Worlds

Yes, I’m also looking forward to it.
Any idea when 7 will launch this?

did any one record the sneak peak?

The promo said July…

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Megan Hajjar (one of the stars of drama) has also posted the promo on her Instagram account.

i know i will be glued to this :slight_smile: love the story telling of bevan lee

Last nights promo was way better !

Latest promo


this looks fantasic:) cant wait to see it:) bevan is such a great writer:)

Looks fantastic, surely the BBC would be picking this up?

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I wish they got this to air alongside Big Brother.

I don’t seem the two being a match at all - it will skew old. Like all 7 aussie dramas

But being an 8.30 show, yes BB could deliver a bigger lead in than anything else 7 has at 7.30 coming up. I just can’t see BBS hound audience sticking around for this, they will tune out

Do we know that it does not launch behind bB? When is BB slated to end? And what does 7 have for the 7.30-9 slot (4.5 hours of TV) coming after BB?

Cast list:

Phillip Walford played by Philip Quast
Cate Walford played by Hermione Norris
Bart Walford played by Tom Dalzell
Sophia Grey played by Sara Wiseman
David Starke played by Aaron Jeffery
Bella Grey played by Megan Hajjar
Danny Grey played by Alex Cubis
Georgia Konig played by Melanie Jarnson

Phillip Walford, a harsh and extremely wealthy businessman, fights to dominate his family as he faces his mortality. Aspiring footballer Danny Grey’s life is changed by a health crisis, forcing his mother Sophia to make a terrible decision which forms a connection between the Walford and Grey worlds.

It wasn’t about them being similar. It was about reaching a bigger audience and Big Brother has been 7s best 7:30 show.

BB was slated to air for 7 weeks which would give it another 3.

Yes agree. It will give a good lead in. But the younger audience will tune out within 5 minutes. But sure I’d launch it behind BB for sure, I just wouldn’t be expecting much of that audience to stay tuned. It will be a new audience tuning in

There was another short promo which aired during Big Brother this week. It showed Phillip Walford (Philip Quast) holding a USB drive.

Farmer Wants a Wife, which is likely to be a far more compatible lead in.

Do we have a date yet?

Premiere Date announced during tonight’s Home and Away.

Sunday July 26th following farmer wants a wife