Agree although it probably would have had the same outcome. What this scenario meant was that the easy and obvious vote (Shaun the challenge threat) happened and it didn’t give anyone a real chance to set any other solid plans in place at the last minute. If Tribal was the next day there may have been time to spice things up a bit more.
This season though continues to be predictable and one sided. I’m waiting for the shocks and blindsides. This season has literally been Contenders dominating pre-tribe swap with the “sport elite” champions going one by one, followed by a tribe swap which pretty much saw contenders go one by one. Now at the merge the Champions have the upper hand (and it was suspiciously easy for them to do so?) and we have another pagonging situation. Even to have a challenge threat go at the merge is such an old school predictable way of thinking.
What I am confused by though is when a contender goes why do other contenders typically end up voting for them? There were opportunity for close votes the past two votes but they never happened. It just feels like there is a lack of game players this season. Hopefully a “blindside” going tonight doesn’t mean that Janine is going because she’s one of the only ones left that I like or want to make it far.
Last night’s episode was the highest rated Sunday episode of the franchise on 10 since the launch episode in 2016 (despite the competition from the cricket).
Last night’s episode rated approx 90,000 higher than the same numbered ep last year. Average overnight audience is up approx +50,000 with streaming and catch up reported higher this year as well.
More impressively is the fact the show is up 32% with online views. 10play has undergone some improvements which makes watching it on catch up easier but 32% is a huge improvement.
depending on who wins immunity next they will probably go after the girls next. I reckon it won’t be long before Janine is blindsided. Daisy and Johnny are in danger too.
is Dave in Australia at the moment? Had a few special 10 play episodes so assumed he has filmed them here. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is the blindside tonight
It was a good episode but did anyone really think at any point during the episode that there wasn’t a chance of Dave going? It was pretty obvious from the get go. We were told a blindside and the only other potential option thrown around was Daisy and that would not be a blindside given she’s on the bottom.
One thing that irritates me is that they don’t show a balanced side of discussions leading to tribal. For example, they showed Daisy walk off with Luke for a chat but they purposely did not show us what that was all about. I think it was probably Daisy sussing Luke out to be sure that he had no idea about what was really going on but instead they made it looked like she stuffed things up. Maybe she deserved a bit more credit for following through what was a huge risk given her name was on the line.
I am so relieved that the Dave show is over and very happy to see him go but from a strategic point of view I think they maybe got rid of him 1 vote too early. Don’t they realise now that Luke is just going to try and stir things up and can grab the numbers from the contenders side? Janine is going to be the next target if that happens.
If David had any idea surely they would have showed it. They aren’t just going to show a one sided view of people hustling to get rid of David and then completely disregard the other side of the coin if he realised. It would have been much more suspenseful if he sussed it out and then we were on the edge of our seat at Tribal to see how he was going to blow up everyone’s plans and who he was going to blindside. But it was obvious he had no idea because they didn’t indicate anything otherwise except for that tacky editing of the Daisy and Luke convo which was clearly nothing.
haha yeah probably. These promo’s can only be taken with a grain of salt. They either tell you pretty much exactly what is happening or are completely made up.
In all honesty for me players like Pia or Janine going would be a bigger shock than it was with Dave going last night. You could tell from his edit and promo’s that he was always being set up for a fall.
Yeah unfortunately they are a bit too obvious with the edit which makes me think that it will be Pia and Baden in the final 2. Both have been given glorified edits to some extent. Dave was given a very similar edit to Benji last season so you could see him being burnt at some point. Which is unfortunate as he was really the only person playing them game to that point.