Contributing to it being a shock.
That the exit is promoted as a shock, doesn’t stop it being a shock.
Contributing to it being a shock.
That the exit is promoted as a shock, doesn’t stop it being a shock.
Yeah but there are multiple promo’s showing multiple things, so it ruins the shock value. Here are two scenarios that I’m certain occur next week based on the promos (I’ve just put in spoiler tags in case people are avoiding the promos based on how spoilerish they usually are or haven’t put two and two together like I have):
There is a situation which requires the medics to be called in. Now given we’ve had the medics come in before (like last week for Abbey) and it hasn’t been promoted, you can almost be certain that the ‘Shock Exit’ is someone removed for medical reasons. Note the specific wording to be an exit rather than a shock vote off or tribal council or blindside like they usually do.
There is also a promo of Andy purposely trying to lose a challenge (cos I guess that’s how you play this year) as he wants to get David out. I’m not sure if this is for the same episode or not but I’m guessing this will eventually backfire on him… given he’s a focus in the promo and they made no mention in promos for the last episode of the Champion alliance purposely losing. So there’s a reason they are now and focusing on him.
Let’s revisit next week and see if I’m shocked
As long as Dave doesn’t go I don’t care how they promote it!
Oh yeah I forgot about the medics in the ad, that looked like Luke. So maybe the shock exit is Luke as they’re not using the word eviction. That would definitely throw Dave’s game out the window lol
Do they ever use this word?
You know what I mean
Blindside / voted out etc.
But yeah they never use the word ‘exit’ which I’m certain is related to what I mentioned above.
I have a feeling Andy is going to deliberately throw the challenge then they will vote him out making him the worst player in Survivor history. I hope.
There’s so many hidden idols this season and it seems like the same people keep finding them.
Too many.
I think it’s obvious who is gone now.
So the “Shock exit” ended up being the person on the bottom of the tribe that didn’t have an Idol. These promo’s are ridiculous. Looks like the medevac is actually tomorrow. That will be more of a shock exit.
I am finding this season soooo boring. It has been so damn predictable. Everyone is just sticking to the original tribal lines. Nobody wants to play.
Yep, Matt said it himself in his departing confessional. “I don’t know how it could have gone any other way, we tried everything”
I am assuming the shock episode could be related to one of the next 2 episodes. Not necessarily Sunday’s episodes.
But either way they need to sell the show. The constant why do they promote it this way is just ridiculous. All shows do it. Every year we hear that its the biggest block yet… They need to sell the show. They can’t say “An obvious contestant gets voted out…”
Simon was the deciding vote. I wonder who he thinks he has on his side when it comes down to the crunch? he’s driftwood.
I think that’s a bit of a stretch after seeing Tv.cynics screenshot from above
On his Instragram Stories tonight Shaun had photos of him performing the reward challenge but he wasn’t one of their team members who competed. Is it likely that they all have a go after the competition to fill in time and give them something to do, or just editing?
The episode of Matt’s exit airs the night before his scheduled appearance on Celebrity Name Game.
From the promo shown at the end of tonight’s episode, looks like Janine is the one in trouble tomorrow.
So the merge will happen next week and one contestant will win a MG car. (MG is the new vehicle partner of the show. It is a famous British car brand but now owned by a Chinese company, and made in China)
Yeah, so loyal he voted for Harry last week