OK so I’m guessing then tonight is some stupid twist. Let me guess… vote someone out from the other tribe and they go to Exile or something. Cos I definitely saw a preview this morning with both tribes at Tribal…
Apparently its supposed to be one of the most explosive tribals which will leave one tribe in chaos.
Sarah broke a nail, Henry schemes unsuccessfully, Jarrad speaks more than two times at tribal. The possibilities are endless!
Ten’s promos are actually a hindrance rather than a help. There’s only so many times viewers can keep coming back disappointed and underwhelmed.
Ten’s promos are always over the top. The two episodes that were meant to be the most shocking Trobal Councils were ones where nobody went home. As mentioned above… I’m expecting exactly the same tonight.
And yet another stupid twist tonight where nobody was voted out. Why cant the producers let the game play out naturally?. Its like they dont trust the contestants to provide the entertainment. It is exactly this that killed off Big Brother on Nine in the end. They never learn.
Another stupid episode
I actually really enjoyed the episode even if it was complete bullshit no one was voted out.
The ending of Model Barbie scrambling like a caged rat was bliss. That’s what you get sweetheart when you’re a fickle wishy washy player that doesn’t have a back bone and chooses to play both sides. You eventually get your tail stuck in a rat trap. I couldn’t believe it she was still giving/pretending to give Tool the time of day. Idiot. You made your bed and I just hope you die in it.
I was surprised at how Tool didn’t offend my sensibilities this episode. I honestly thought that little annoying cunt was his ride or die, but it turns out he is willing to shaft that bitch without a second thought.
Great to see his BS detector works too. Even though I felt cheated of a face off between Tool & Model Barbie I had no confidence one of them would have been booted anyway considering we’re not dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed and that pygmy moron keeps sticking his oar in trying to derail boring outcomes.
Tara continue to proves why she’s such an irritating and annoying player. I loved that she couldn’t wait to spill her guts to Model Barbie when she came back, then she goes and opens her mouth to Miss Pygmy. Why? They didn’t even need his vote. Odette didn’t even need to be approached. Peter, Tara & Model Barbie could have voted together and won in a 3-2-1 vote. Tara knew Miss Pygmy was voting Peter and Tool & Odette were voting Sarah. Keep your mouth shut Tara because you always spoil yourself and the outcomes. The only thing I want from Tara is for her to make the merge and be an incredibly bitter bitch on the jury.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Production knew the outcome was going to be a letdown and so inserted the silly mutiny twist to keep the bad blood flowing as much as possible for the next episode.
I have to give credit to Michelle. She won’t stop throwing people under the bus.
I am starting to feel like this season may actually turn out into something decent. The only thing I’m concerned about is the idol situation with that nauseating alliance of Ape man, Man bun and the two beige brunettes.
I told you so. It was obvious from the previews a stupid twist would happen.
So over it. They stuffed up AK with a twist and now Sarah. We are 14 episodes in and still not at the merge. Its ridiculous. Why do they choose to make the pre-merge longer than post merge? Its where they’ve got it all wrong.
That Tribal would have been epic if they voted. Absolutely pathetic.
Next Sunday is the merge.
Survivor is never really fair for all players though as a few in each and every season always get screwed over,. The US version swap fucks people regularly and the endless twists is our version of it.
Sarah had the opportunity to mutiny and as per usual sat far too long on her arse and deliberated until the cows came home and missed her chance. Sarah’s game was fucked the moment she turned on Botox queen and that alliance and kept playing both sides which made her untrustworthy. This twist just prolonged her agony which is marvelous. She can’t blame the twists on her failure as a player.
AK wasn’t really a big loss either. Anyone willing to sacrifice an idol like that so early deserves to be booted. He never lived up to the hype he created for himself.
I do agree with the merge so late it really screws over the original blue tribe members and the full swap was such a let down it reminded me of the one in All Stars with Amber (that production rigged). It’s also created yet another lop sided tribe with heaps more advantages going into the merge. Still I don’t think there will be a pagonging like last year and it’s not like the merge players now would have been on the jury.
I don’t understand the part in which Samatau won the Italian feast reward and then invited two members of Asaga to join in. Did the crew prepare too much food?
They do that all the time on the US Survivor but usually when it gets down to the merge and its an individual reward.
It’s still too late. I don’t know why they persist on having the pre-merge of the season significantly longer than the post merge. The merge is where the real game begins and gets more exciting. I guess it’s easier to introduce gimmicky tribe switch twists with multiple tribes but it’s just wrong. The merge is where it gets exciting. They should have merged at like 14 people with a 24 cast IMO. All this tribe switching has been a joke.
The whole point is to have people form different tribes mixing. Obviously due to the “mutiny” thing coming up they wanted a couple of people to have spent time with the other tribe which might have made them want to jump.
Plus like Sav mentioned they always do that in the US. Usually post merge if it’s an individual reward they pick 2 or 3 people to join them.
Oh God how annoying is Tara. Luke planned something with her in SECRET…and he also told her the “dummy” story to be telling everyone else before Tribal Coucil.
Tara’s tiny brain can’t handle that, spills the beans to Sarah, then complains to everyone else things are “crazy” (they’re only crazy because you can’t keep track of the fact there was a secret plan, and then the story to be told publicly, so you made things crazy yourself Tara) and goes off on rant at Tribal in front of the other tribe (seriously, how stupid).
I can not stand her. Such an awful person, incredibly stupid and bogan.
As for Pete…threw Sarah under the bus there haha.
I loved that. Why would he stay Sarah? So he can benefit your game? Enjoy the company of Tara, you’ve earnt it.
Well last night I was shocked. Odette who was the odds on favourite to win at $1.40 according to Sportsbet was voted out. Last season Kristie was the clear fave the entire way and won so I had in my head that Odette was going to win. So I am actually relieved that the outcome isn’t so predictable. Unless they do a stupid outcast returnee twist. Wouldn’t surprise me actually.
Well done to Sarah for turning that around though. Rather than go for the other threat get rid of the one in the middle. Smart. She is a very strong US style strategist and pretty much the one person I’m hoping takes this out.
Its a live finale this year so I was suspicious of the odds from the start. Last year the finale was filmed months in advance so it was easier for someone to leak the winner.
Yeah but obviously there’s people who know the final 2 so I thought it could be valid. Now I’m just wondering who on earth was betting so much money on Odette when she barely got any screen time? She was such a useless contestant.
Also it is not exactly a live finale this year. It will be filmed a few days prior. The studio finale is scheduled to be recorded on Friday 6th of October. It will then air the following week (most likely Monday 9th October).
Sportsbet capped the maximum betting at $20.00. So it would have taken very little to move the odds. Wouldnt put it past the producers to have put money on Odette to fake out out the public.
That is pathetic from Ten if true. Why can’t they do it live?