Australian Survivor

How stupid - Tara, who was voted out fair and square from her tribe is still there, but AK voted out last night after a very dodgy tribal reshuffle.

At least the episode fitted their narrative. :roll_eyes:

From what Tara said in the voting booth confessional, it seems like everyone was in on a game to mislead AK and make him look foolish - and the editors lied to us the entire episode.

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Yep it’s an absolute joke. All these lame twists and turns to stretch the season out pre-merge also means good players go early. Like Phoebe last season we’ve lost AK early now too because of unfair twists.

Tara is awful. I can’t stand her voice or the smug look on her face. What a terrible casting choice.

This season just needs to speed up and get to the merge already. These extended pre-merges are beyond ridiculous. If they have to bulk out episodes do it at the merge in a more meaningful way. The exciting stuff happens at the merge. I feel like this season has been plodding along for weeks now yet we have barely got anywhere.


Well respect to Michelle. Love it when someone on the bottom really fights to stay and somehow she pulled it off.

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Something that Australian Survivor does well is to show some of the maneuverings that happen before tribal council. Michelle’s were brilliant.

Yeah a bit more pre-tribal stuff is good but I’m sick of how obvious the editing is for the rest of the episodes. Everything is so obvious. You can tell almost every episode which tribe is going to tribal council from the editing, if the promos havn’t spoiled it already (e.g. Tara vs AK!). Even during the challenges you can tell who is going to win 5-10 seconds before the challenge is almost over just based on the music. It does my head in.

Did Tara not realise that AK was on the bottom after the tribe swap and he was very likely the next to go? Her antics last night indicated she thought AK had no idea he was in peril in any way…:roll_eyes:

I hate what Samatau has become…a gaggle of girls lusting over that dopey bogan Locky, who was next to go just a few episodes ago.

Jarrod was stupid last night too…in voting confessional he complained that Ben should have just stuck with the story to save himself…yet it was actually Jarrod’s vote that was determinative and if he had voted for Michelle, she would have gone instead.

I found it interesting how others knew about Henry handing over the clue to Jericho (wasn’t mentioned at the time anyone saw this) and Ben also saying that Ziggy’s (?) idol was a “super” idol…too much producer/assistant chit chat here?

I disagree with you guys on Michelle…she was a massive biatch last night at TC and her reasoning was ridiculous. Ben saying he wanted to work with Samatau…“he’s just saying what you want to hear”. As opposed to? What? Ben should have been saying he DOESN’T want to work with Samatau? If the concern was he was going to flip back with the blue tribe, she has WAY more connections over there. She took his info re: Ziggy having an idol as the biggest secret on the Earth when Ziggy told the whole tribe herself the other day anyway. So, it was apparently a secret only Michelle couldn’t know…but then vote to keep Michelle in, that makes sense. :roll_eyes:

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Survivor being on only twice a week completely kills any momentum of the show. Needs to be Sun-Tue at least.

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yet the people said being on Sunday to Tuesday was over enough for them. As they said, they couldn’t endure another episode for the week. That 2 was more than enough.

It goes back to three eps a week in 2 weeks time.

To be fair, Ben only speculated that Ziggy had a super Idol (which Michelle jumped on to use to her advantage). He had mentioned in the previous episodes that he thought the advantage would be a Super Idol.

I just think it’s shit inconsistent editing generally. US Survivor edits the seasons backwards which ensures they build storylines of each contestant much more consistently to how their fate plays out. With Australian Survivor because it’s such a short time from finishing filming to air they start editing straight away. That is why a lot of the early boots get the airtime because they focus on the ones going disregarding what happens later on. And some vital information that might be relevant later in the game is missed. Like think how we were already getting promos for the season when they were still in the last days of filming. .

Finally caught up on the episodes which was a hard slog considering Ten does its absolute best at spoiling the outcome making actually watching the episodes completely arbitrary. Man buns move was not genius either idiots at Ten marketing.

So halfway through and I am calling this season an utter bust. Ten/Shine learnt nothing from their mistakes last year and any positive outcomes they scored last year they completely dropped the ball this year. Editing still sucks and so many players do nothing or are completely irrelevant. Only finally having a full tribal switch up this late in the game is pretty worthless and makes me think a hell of a lot of crap has gone on behind the scenes with production altering the outcomes and sheltering certain players. I would love to know where that second long glimpse of a yellow challenge area has gone from the promo that Ten was flogging before the show aired. It was on an embankment slotted in between blue and pink. Going into three tribes would have mixed the game up completely and created a post merge with lots more possibilities and trust issues hopefully leading to a more fun and dynamic batch of episodes. Considering half of the cast haven’t properly met or spent time with each other they have zero incentive to work with each other.

The super idol is just bullshit. Do they have no faith in the players actually creating moves or drama that they have to manufacture shit.

Voting out sideshow bob was another laughable ‘strategic’ move. Why vote out someone completely see through and completely inarticulate over someone that plays that hard when their back is against the wall and openly admitted to having forged strong bonds on the blue tribe. Honestly with this stupid move and Man Bun’s idiotic move to decimate a strong alliance and go straight to the bottom of an opposing tribe there really is no strong strategic game play at all this season.

Tool just does my head in. I hate that cretin so much. Not only is he shoved down our throats every episode no matter how contradictory or irrelevant his soundbites are he is the most smug a-hole ever on Survivor. I also hate he wants to break up ‘power couples’ yet doesn’t address that lactose intolerant growth on his dick.

I’m also over pathetic Sarah and her stupid crap of flip flopping. That big of a flip flopper never does well especially when she doesn’t need to. It just rubs salt in wounds and creates a lack of trust. I also hate how she wants to get rid of Tool but it isn’t the right time. Well shut the fuck up until you do make the move.

AK going was no big deal as I didn’t care if he went or Tara as they are both annoying.

There’s so many worthless boring girls left. This is reason casting needed to be way more diverse in ages. All the young twenty something girls are virtually interchangeable and none of them have much personality and in the case of Michelle less is more.

Well with so many people complaining about episodes being too long Ten aren’t helping things by going back to 3 episodes a week after next week. Such a drainer.

I guess at least it won’t overlap too much with the new US season.

They are thinking about their ratings. Survivor will rate better than Shark Tank in both total viewers and demos. Last year Tuesdays were some of the highest rated episodes.


What it did last year is irrelevant. Survivor’s ratings are down this year. Even Masterchef last year Tuesday was always the best rating ep but this year it was usually the Thursday ep. So if it did well on Tuesday’s last year doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen again.

I just think it’s better for them to keep it twice a week and make it last more weeks. Tuesday’s might be weak for Ten but once Survivor is over they have nothing.

Much prefer the three episode a week format and Survivor is much better than Shark Tank that needs to be cancelled.

The drainer is sitting through a show that goes longer than 90 minutes with commercials when Ten spoils the outcome.

It was on Tuesday this year in the beginning and outrated Shark Tank.

You might as well get as many eyeballs before the warmer weather kicks in.

But AK was so annoying that it’s a great relief that he’s finally gone. However, after all his moves and being a big part of the show since the beginning, he doesn’t even make it to the jury.

Yes, Tara is smug and annoying too, but AK overtook her in that department for me.

Why did Sarah vote for Peter? No one else did. And why did Jonathan not read out that vote? If he had, they’d be wondering who voted for him.

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According to the episode description the merge is next Sunday.

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Spot on. Agree completely.

She probably promised AK that she wouldn’t write his name down and as her vote wouldn’t matter anyway, kept her word.


You mean tonight? The preview for tonight shows both tribes at Tribal. Unless it’s another stupid non vote out twist.

no - next Sunday