Australian Survivor

Jordie took a gamble by not using the idol he received from Shonee - and lost.

The producers and promos really try to make out that Jordie was some kind of survivor royalty. What has he ever done? His moves never work, he’s just a show pony at tribal. I can’t shake off the way he treated KJ in the jury villa in his last season. He’s a really bad sport with a genuinely sinister side. Good riddance that he is gone pre-merge this time.

The Cookie Idol Has Crumbled.

Benjamin Law Eliminated From Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains.

SPOILER ALERT: IT’S NOT AN IDOL! The social media commentary will be going off right now, because the moment we have all been waiting for happened on tonight’s delicious episode of Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains…the Cookie Idol was finally played.

Here’s how the cookie crumbled…

In the dead of night, Flick and Matt gave Stevie the destiny symbol, a sign that they were now working with Simon on the other tribe in order to take down King George.

At the Immunity Challenge, Liz told Shonee and George that Simon had given his “Idol” to Flick and Matt. After George and Shonee throw said Immunity Challenge, it was looking like Ben, Flick or Matt were on the chopping block. Their only chance was to convince Stevie to flip on George, or for Flick to play her “Idol”.

At Tribal Council, George offered Flick a deal – to throw her Idol on the fire and join his alliance. After much deliberation, Flick decided it was too big a risk and rejected George’s offer.

After the votes had been cast, Flick played her “Idol” for Matt, before Jonathan LaPaglia revealed it was in fact, not a real hidden Immunity Idol and was useless. However, the votes ended up on Benjamin Law who was sent packing.

To hear from Benjamin, click here.

Ben knew the cookie “idol” was just a clue leading to the actual idol, but didn’t tell Flick or Matt, nor did Flick check with Ben. Would there have been a different outcome if the cookie “idol” was not used?

So frustrating that what would have been the best blindside of the season so far is stopped in it’s tracks by making tribal a non-elimination event. We know they need to happen but they always seem to happen when a favourite looks in danger of going home. It would have set up merge so much nicer with Hayley sent home and Shaun on the outs than just having Liz join up with Shonee and George a few days early. Indeed I think Liz is a bit foolish to throw away her new alliance so quickly too - that could have come in useful moving forward and probably more solidly worked with George and Shonee than the alliance George has built on the heroes side.

As for the cookie jar idol fiasco - if the others are dumb enough to believe Simon had the brains to plot all that and pass over a fake idol then they really do deserve to lose to him.

Welcome Back To The Dark Side.

Hero Liz Takes Munity To The Villains Tribe On Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains.

Cue the cringe as the second-hand embarrassment was real last night, after Flick played the useless “Cookie Idol”, but boy did she wake up with a vengeance for Simon because of it.

Day 23 at the Villains beach and things were not looking good for Simon when Liz confronted him about his missing Idol in front of the whole tribe.

We hope you took cover, because things went from bad to worse for Simon at the Reward Challenge, when shots were fired by Flick and war was declared on Simon over the fake idol. The Villains ultimately took out the Reward Challenge and treated themselves to a delicious and well-deserved Chinese Banquet feast.

Mid food coma, the Villains addressed the elephant in the room. Simon apologised for assuming the Cookie Idol was a real idol, but the OG Heroes had already made up their minds and agreed to throw the Immunity Challenge to vote him off.

In a Tribal Council twist, instead of sending one unlucky castaway off the island, Munity was offered by JLP to anyone wanting to go the other side.

Liz was the only one who took the opportunity, where she returned to her OG Villain crew and will await Merge in the safety of her true alliance.

At the tribal council, JLP confirmed the cookie “idol” that Simon initially found in the cookie jar was just a clue leading to the hidden immunity idol in a coconut.

It was ironic that the prize for winning the reward challenge in last night’s episode was a Chinese banquet, right after Ben was voted out.

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Seems like the tribal merge will take place during Monday’s episode, based on the synopsis

The greatest end game is about to be unleashed. Can alliances reunite, as enemies collide?

Wasn’t Simon voted out just before merge last time? It could happen again, that would be hilarious!!

Sam is a wanker like his MAFS brother. Cant wait till he’s voted out.

Is his brother on MAFS? I’ve never watched an episode of that shit.

Samoan Weather: Rainy With A Chance Of Betrayal.

Steve Khouw Eliminated From Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains.

Vibes were immaculate, but then we braced for yet another heartbreaking Tribal Council.

At the beginning of the episode, Shonee was delighted to have her BFF Liz back, and King George was ecstatic that the Spice Girls were reunited once again. However, this elation was short-lived when Liz revealed she had been working with Nina, Sam and David to blindside George’s original nemesis Hayley. And Flick was working to climb her way up from the bottom of the tribe following Liz’s return.

At the Reward Challenge, the Villains smashed the Heroes. After losing, George whispered to Hayley that she was in trouble and a paranoid Hayley tried to find an advantage during the sandwich reward, knowing her head was on the chopping block. She wasn’t alone here, with Sam absolutely destroying the sandwich bar to try and find a clue.

Back at Heroes, Matt noticed Flick’s plan to make new alliances and realised it was time to take up George’s offer and join his alliance, hoping he’s not too late. George was pleased, having now secured an alliance of seven and the majority for Merge.

When the Villains repeated their win at Immunity, George seized the opportunity to convince his alliance to blindside Flick. Flick saw George talking to everyone but her, and after George’s hard work, she managed to flip Shonee and Liz back onto her side.

During Tribal Council, Liz decides, in a massive power play, that if George won’t change his mind on voting for Flick, she will play her Idol. George was torn and pulled Gerry aside and asked him whether he would rather send home Matt, who he had been starting to bond with, or Steve? Gerry chose Steve and a new plan was formed. As the votes were read, Steve was left heartbroken and betrayed by his closest allies, and Matt and Flick are welcomed into the new alliance. With Merge on the horizon, alliances are important, but gameplay is everything.

To hear from Steve on his departure, click here.

I’m not seeing the logic in George’s move tonight. I liked that alliance, I think he is going to regret it.

George has treated Stevie like shit throughout (far worse than Simon ever did), and although arguably backed into a corner tonight it’s proof he was never more than a number to him. The comment about the challenge about him “allowing” Stevie to do the puzzle shows where George thinks everyone else is in the pecking order to him, and it’s the same in his alliance of three when he’s outvoted two to one but still thinks he should call the shots.

Just happy this move weakens George - ultimately Stevie was a number for him, Flick isn’t - and Shonee and Liz wouldn’t really have anywhere else to go if they had voted out Flick so I don’t think would have turned on him for now at least.

P.S. Really hate how production always orders the votes in the most predictable manner where for a blindside it’s never the first votes out of the urn that are going. Just let them be pulled out at random.

What an epic tribal tonight! They thought they had it in the bag lol


It’s Merge Time Baby!

David Zaharakis Eliminated From Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains.

Hold your breath, because this episode was breathtaking. (But seriously, we need to talk about “that” challenge.)

After 28 days playing as Heroes and Villains, the two tribes finally made it to Merge. But George is worried. On paper there are eight original Heroes and four original Villains in this newly merged tribe. He knows they’re outnumbered.

Flick reunited with Shaun to fill him in on the past 10 days. Although she’s pledged allegiance to George, Shonee and Liz, she quickly decided that sticking with her OG Heroes’ alliance was a better move.

Shonee and Liz can tell Flick has gone back to the OG Heroes which sends George into action with plans to put together a new alliance of misfits who will take charge of the game including himself, Shonee, Liz, Gerry, Matt, Hayley and Simon. Hayley’s all in, but Simon is clearly weary given that himself and George have been mortal enemies for the past 29 days.

Lifeguard Matt ends up being the first person to win Individual Immunity after the classic “hold-your-breath-under-a-ladder-and-wait-until-the-tide-rises-over-your-breathing-holes” challenge.

Heading into Tribal Council both Matt and Simon were undecided where their votes were going, knowing that as the crucial swing voters, their decision would shape the second half of the game. Liz played her idol for Shonee and with both Simon and Matt coming through for George’s misfit alliance of seven - David was sent packing in a stunning blindside.

To hear from David, click here.

What was the point of one vote on Liz?
Clearly the egos on the heroes alliance got the better of them if they thought they had votes to burn like that.

I really thought that David was going on to do great things. Most seasons, the one that gets the least airtime pre-merge ends up going far. Maybe David was just as boring as he seemed and didn’t give the editors anything to work with.

I would say Shaun is just a dumb arse that has no idea of what’s going on around him. Lucky he has an idol.

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They just didn’t seem to factor the idol play into how they vote. May have not had enough in their alliance to work a split but considering voting out Simon was their cover story you’d think they’d have put a couple on him themselves with the assumption some of the original villains would vote that way too.