Well I have always loved he 2010 composition. I think it gave the 2005 theme life. I’ve always liked the 7pm (ABC News) theme more over be News 24 one.
It has more grunt and urgency. The News 24 one has always seemed very light and trance like.
Hoping whatever remix they go with has grunt, urgency and authority to it and it’s unified across the whole service as said.
If this 2013 article from The Australian about various television news themes (well worth a read if you haven’t already seen it) is anything to go by, Martin Armiger is keen to do another update of his ABC News theme.
Granted, that article is from a few years ago but given that ABC News does want to retain some familiarity when it rebrands (which is why they’re keeping Majestic Fanfare as the theme for ABC News on radio), I’d probably say that 3rd generation of the Martin Armiger-composition is what we’ll most likely hear from ABC News on TV next Monday. The previously speculated remix of the mid '80s to 2005 theme from The Bag Raiders is probably less likely, but still possible while the return of Majestic Fanfare to TV is about as likely as Network Ten reviving “Move Closer To Your World” as it’s news theme: 0%.
I can see (or more to the point, hear) what you mean about the subtle changes to the ABC News theme in 2005, but those three notes seem to be evident in both versions.
For me it’s not the nostalgic factor because of the age I am, I hadn’t first watched ABC News until after they dropped the 1985-2005 theme, though I feel like I have a faint thought of the old globe logo. I almost used it for my Digital Media School News & Current Affairs Project for an original format, but decided to go a different approach, instead a local suburb version of Seven News because that was the original idea before. Quite frankly, I just think it’s a damn good theme when I first heard it on the FairFax video about the discussion of one universal theme for all ABC News media, well, that was the original idea… (I’m looking at you Majestic Fanfare!)
It has lots of emotion, credibility and very memorable. Yes of course in its current 80s form it would be heavy outdated, and would not work what so ever in its current form for different medias. Modernised for the current century, which would probably mean substituting other instruments and changing some bits to update the style, I think it could work well.
Ten Eyewitness News’ current theme as stated before is a rebirth of the 1995-2005 Ten News theme, returning those familiar four notes we heard for years on our TVs. It’d be a shame if all that effort to rip the original audio recordings, from an outdated format I might add, and then to never use it, and ponder “what if” if The Bag Raiders never release it, (perhaps I’m overthinking ) but a 3rd generation of the current theme would be good too.
All will be known on Monday, but like many Australians, it’d be nice to see the old theme return again, albeit updated to work across all medias.
An interesting video on ABC Central West’s Facebook page tonight with some strong hints of what to expect from next week.
Like pretty much all of the regionals, ABC CW hasn’t yet changed the logo on its Facebook page. Whether the updated logo is implemented from Monday is still up in the air I suppose.
Now that I see the yellow in a real life setting I have to say I’m a bit ambivalent about it - this is too similar to the current breaking news look and will surely confuse people if its use is widespread throughout news services. I hope to see more of the black, white and blue colour scheme featured in the ABC’s earlier teaser. Overall I think the aesthetic looks great though - clear font, clean lines, focus pulled to all the right places. Bring on Monday.
The ABC App or the about.abc.net.au website are good examples of the yellow, black and white colour palette in practice. The yellow acts like an accent colour for some parts of the website and the App. That picture is a pretty bear bones example, but gives us a taste that yellow is almost certainly guaranteed in the relaunch. My analysis and predictions seem to be coming true!
Syria ABC News special tonight at 7pm hosted by Leigh Sales
Tonight at 7pm on ABC & ABC iview / 7pm AEST on ABC News 24
Leigh Sales will host a one hour ABC News special tonight from 7pm with the latest details about the Trump Administration missile strikes against the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad.
She’ll be joined by ABC’s chief foreign correspondent Philip Williams, political correspondent Greg Jennett with reaction from Canberra and we’ll also cross live to Matt Brown in Beirut and Zoe Daniel in Washington for the most up-to-date international developments.
I loooooove that font. Also getting a really distinctive vibe from it, much akin to that of ABC (America) and its yellow branding circa 2000. So much yes, bring on Monday.
Also, good to see the ABC bringing out the big guns for its coverage at 7pm, will be watching.