ABC News Presenters and Reporters

It would appear so!


NITV News reporter Ryan Liddle is joining the ABC in Sydney next year as Feature Editor (Sport).

I didnā€™t even realise he was still in the TV business. I last remember him doing Imparja News.

Iā€™m surprised Bill Bertles hasnā€™t yet taken up a presenting gig within the ABC, even as a fill in presenter. Great talent.

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Has Bill presented before? Not all good reporters make great presenters. Often itā€™s the opposite. Different skills.

I believe he has while based in Melbourne prior 2015. He seems to work well when interviewed in the studio. Neither less, I would offer him a fill in gig over the summer.

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Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 December -
Ben Gubana is presenting in the NT.


NSW weather presenter Graham Creed is leaving the ABC


Sounds like he was let go?

I thought the opposite. Sounds to me like heā€™s reached a point in his life where he was after a change of scenery. Canā€™t imagine theyā€™d let him go.


I thought if he was leaving of his own choosing then heā€™d say something like ā€œIā€™ve decided to leaveā€ or mention where heā€™s off to next if he had a job lined up.

But maybe youā€™re right and he just wants to step away from the media.

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In the tweet just above he says heā€™s taking up farming. Unusual first conclusion to jump to that heā€™s been let go.

In a further tweet, he writes itā€™s been eight years in the planning. Hopefully weā€™ll see Costa or Landline pay him a visit down the track.


Madeleine Morris is presenting tonight in Victoria


Is this the first time she presents the 7pm bulletin in Victoria?

Danny Tran presenting weather in Victoria tonight.


Adjusting your hair when doing a live cross is never a good idea, as your viewers canā€™t hear you!


According to her Twitter, yes.

Lara Hyams to take over maybe?

Tuesday 14 December -
Bridget Rollason presented in Victoria tonight.

Wednesday 15 December and Thursday 16 December -
Mary Gearin presenting in Victoria tonight.


Vacancy at ABC for National Regional & Rural Reporter

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