ABC Local Radio

All good, though in both QLD and NSW cases they still do replace 2 hours of statewide programming.


yeah, networking on local radio especially during the day is not good! It dilutes the whole selling point of local.

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Agreed. Like Thank God it’s Friday. I’m a 3LO listener and I preferred the old programming they had with Ali Moore, but then I discovered ABC are broadcasting it on RN as well as Local. C’mon… that’s ridiculous.


At least it’s live from Melbourne, but I’m sure the Sydney audience are not happy their long-time show has migrated south…

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Fill-in radio host Antoinette Lattouf is scheduled to today give evidence in her Federal Court case against the ABC, on the first day of a week-long hearing in which former managing director David Anderson and chair Ita Buttrose are also expected to testify.

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The documents, released ahead of the federal court trial in Sydney, include a list of emails exchanged between then-ABC chair Ita Buttrose and managing director David Anderson in the critical hours leading up to Lattouf’s sacking.

The emails, while yet to be made public in full, reportedly indicate a flurry of communication at the highest levels of the ABC on the morning of December 20, the day Lattouf was dismissed.

The agreed statement of facts published by the court noted that “Between 11.04 am and 11.31 am on Wednesday, 20 December 2023, Ms Buttrose sent a series of emails.” The content of these emails remains undisclosed, but their existence highlights how senior ABC leadership was directly engaged in the decision-making process.

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If true, hilarious :joy:

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Really? Someone is going to get shirty over stealing someone’s lunch?.

I’ve seen full-blown HR investigations into people nicking someone’s lunch from the office fridge.

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Retail is a different beast.

I’d say it may be about impugning her reputation as someone who is trying to cause trouble.

Surely that sort of crap won’t be in this case, would it? Bigger fish to fry.

Of course it is

I’m hosting the national Saturday Evenings program on your local ABC radio station for the next few weeks. Fantastic guests on last week’s show: Cheek Media CEO Hannah Ferguson and actress Heather Mitchell. You can catch their interviews here:

— Mark Humphries (@markhumphries) February 4, 2025

MEAA press release

ABC staff ‘disgusted’ by handling of Lattouf case

The ABC must commission an independent inquiry into the broadcaster’s independence from outside interference and apologise for allowing external pressure to influence the dismissal of Antoinette Lattouf and attempts to have other journalists sacked in recent years.

Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance members at the ABC want the inquiry to be conducted within 12 months and the full report released publicly.

Following a union meeting today, they are also demanding complete end to the “special hotlines” that some groups are able to leverage to influence the ABC and improved transparency about complaints and lobbying activities directed at the Chair and managing director.

“Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance members at the ABC are dismayed by the revelations emerging from the Antoinette Lattouf trial and disgusted by the ABC’s handling of the case,” said the ABC National House Committee.

“The ABC’s position that Ms Lattouf has not “demonstrated the existence of a Lebanese, Arab or Middle Eastern race” destroys any hope that the ABC intends to address the systemic racism identified by the Janke review of last year.

“As a public broadcaster, the ABC must act as a model litigant. We demand it immediately disavows this position and acknowledges, without qualification, that Lebanese, Arab and Middle Eastern people can be subject to racial discrimination.

“The trial has confirmed our worst fears: the ABC’s independence is not adequately protected. Across successive leaderships, political pressure has influenced the ABC chair, leading to breaches of our independence. There has been no commitment to change from the new leadership.

“It’s therefore not enough to change the personnel. The system allowing those breaches needs to be changed.

“ABC staff work tirelessly to build and maintain the ABC’s independence and integrity. It is the board’s legal duty to protect that independence and integrity. But time and again we see ABC chairs and managing directors do the opposite.

“ABC’s staff know social media rules are supposed to ensure the ABC isn’t brought into disrepute, yet this court proceeding has badly harmed the ABC’s reputation.

“This must stop. We demand changes be made to ensure it does.


ABC MEAA members demand:

  1. An explicit acceptance by the ABC that they will not require any proof that it is possible to be racist to a Lebanese/Arab/Middle Eastern person and an apology for making that argument in court.
  2. An independent inquiry, designed in collaboration with the ABC MEAA National House Committee, to examine the ABC’s independence and how outside pressure may have inappropriately influenced the ABC, including the attempts to sack Emma Alberici and Andrew Probyn, revealed in 2018, and the sacking of Antoinette Lattouf. Since these cases appear to demonstrate inappropriate outside influence despite personnel changes across successive leadership teams, the inquiry should consider potential legislative, corporate culture or policy changes that might be required, as well as changing or clarifying the roles of the Chair and managing director, to better protect the ABC’s integrity and independence. The inquiry should be conducted within 12 months and a full report be released publicly.
  3. A full apology to Antoinette Lattouf, ABC staff and the public for allowing external pressure to influence the ABC, undermining the ABC’s independence and hard-won trust.
  4. An acknowledgement from Chair Kim Williams that what occurred before his time with the sacking of Lattouf was unacceptable and a commitment to stop it happening again.
  5. A complete end to the “special hotlines” that some groups are able to leverage to influence the ABC. All complaints received by senior executives, the MD or the board must be directed to the ombudsman or appropriate adjudicator with no further action. The ABC should follow its established and rigorous complaints handling process through the Ombudsman’s Office without interference or influence from management. Editorial staff subject to complaints must always be afforded the right to respond before any adverse findings or actions are taken against them.
  6. Improved transparency around attempts to influence including the Managing Director and Chair publishing their diaries and summaries of all complaints and lobbying actions received by them.
  7. That the incoming MD Hugh Marks meets with the MEAA National House Committee to openly and collaboratively discuss how to ensure these longstanding problems are not repeated.
  8. That the ABC does not unduly fold to bad faith external media campaigns.
  9. ABC Management will immediately work with ABC MEAA House Committee to review and implement social media policy with transparency.
  10. Call on the ABC management to treat staff’s mental health disclosures with respect in all circumstances, and recognise the mental health toll of working in the media industry.

I’ve not been following this case very closely but I did catch a snippet of her “breaking down” on social media about it. It told me all I needed to know in 5 seconds. Completely staged and put on, I could barely watch. I don’t know how anybody could have watched that and not seen right through it. But hey, this is the world we live in I guess.

Not that I’m an Ita Buttrose fan either. She comes across as a horrible bully boss.

Its worth noting that this element comes down to what is the accepted definition of race as it applies to the Fair Work Act. It’s largely a technical legal argument rather than anything else.

According to a lawyer I know who is following the case - Lattouf claimed her sacking was in part on the grounds of race but the ABC’s lawyers are arguing she has not provided any evidence to justify her position (in context of the Fair Work Act). They’ve also said that if the court does accept her position, they’ll accept it.

David Anderson’s affidavit seems to suggest that her desire for intervention is when it seemingly all went off the rails

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Wow … the long list of, er, demands by the ABC staff socialist collective can be summarised basically as “The Inmates Must Be Allowed To Continue To Run The Asylum”. They need to remember that Their ABC is fully taxpayer funded. All taxpayers are shareholders in the ABC. Of course the ABC should be subject to “external pressure” … not just whatever the staff socialist collective deems appropriate. Wake up please !


You’ve just described the education sector there. Stop stealing our shtick. :rofl:

Jist give her $500,000, tell her to STFU, sack the idiots within the ABC responsible and move on.

You are responding to requests that are for more transparency and oversight of decision making by the ABC executives, what specific demand of that list are you objecting to and suggesting is inappropriate?

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