A Current Affair


They really need to capitalise on her interviews, we hardly ever get to see them.


Considering they’ve let Tracy rot in the ACA chair for over a decade now I can’t imagine they’re going to do anything anytime soon to lift her profile.

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You know she’s a free agent, right?

Free? How is she a free agent?

She can do what she wants, right?

No. She’s tied to a show and a network. That’s not free. She does what the producer and news department management tell her to do.

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So she can’t resign, right? In other words, Tracy is a hostage, is what you are saying?

She could if she wants to lose hundreds of thousands a year, but I doubt she is doing what she’d like that on that show

Nobody said she can’t but as long she stays, she does not control her destiny.

She agreed to the deal. She can find other work.

You trying to get rid of her?

All I said was she is free. Which she is.

But she chooses not to.

Why would I do that?

A choice made freely.

This is a rather pointless discussion. Let’s move on.

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I’d also be willing to predict that Nine would not only want Tracy Grimshaw to continue presenting ACA for the forseeble future, they actually need her.

Aside from perhaps Leila McKinnon (as the fill in presenter every Summer since TG became the main host), there are no obvious successors to the role.

You don’t have to tell me…

Tuesday -


ACA reporter Sylvia Jeffreys appeared on Nine News Now today talking about her special report that will air tonight.