A Current Affair

She would be perfect for a half-hour weekly interview show in response to Seven’s Andrew Denton show coming next year.

Maybe a 7pm Sunday slot for a few months in the middle of the year before The Block starts?

I certainly agree that this was an outstanding interview - one of Tracy’s best in a long time!


I’ve never watched Today Tonight / ACA, a load of tabloid rubbish.

But the interview with Don Burke about his alleged multiple sexual harassments, was very good, at such short notice, Tracy did well. I don’t know why it’s so hard to so quality Sunday Night-esque stories on weeknights

Seven News were rubbing it in to Nine and even Tracy on 6pm News tonight.

On another note, possibly the worst PR year or two in Nine’s history? Tara Brown, Ben McCormack & Don Burke.

Although social media seems mixed, with many saying it’s a conflict of interest (they have a point), to Tracy being hypocritical upon similar past interviews, to why not interview Nine bosses who did nothing.


My impression after watching the interview is that he has probably had a life-long problem with alcohol and is stuck in a cycle of denial about it.

Tracey’s Don Burke interview on 2 networks tonight! ABC’s 7.30 aired a few minutes of it with ACA logos and 9HD watermark (ex- TCN) to run after their story and interview with a former GM of CTC Productions.


I guess this is where no longer having a weeknight current affairs program (Today Tonight) on the east coast, impacts Seven, when serious news breaks.

I recall 2012, the 2DayFM royal death scandal with Jacintha Saldana? Both networks did ‘exclusive’ interviews that afternoon and aired that night with Matt White / Tracy Grimshaw.

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It was never a current affairs program. It was gutter trash. ACA in moments like these, shows it can get out of the trash can, a pity it’s not more often.


I’m incredibly shocked to hear that! :wink:

I don’t know if it’s the worst PR year or two in Nine’s history (another period I think they’d rather forget is the whole 2005-11ish timeframe, for instance), but I’m sure they’ve had far better.

Matt White finished his run as the host of Today Tonight (East Coast edition) on 30/11/2012, incidentally the same day as major cutbacks at Network Ten’s news/current affairs department…I thought you’d remember that Luke!

I think Kylie Gillies would’ve been filling in as host of TT East Coast at the time of the 2DayFM royal prank scandal (which I think happened around mid-December 2012) but I’d have to check on that.

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You would be right with that one. Kylie Gillies did indeed present on the night that interview aired. Clare Brady was the interviewer.


Agreed. Certainly was a great interview.

Credit to Nine for not shying away from their scandals. Seven’s usual response to a scandal is to send letters threatening legal action.


Sorry, but I’m not buying into all this praise for tonight’s show. It was first and foremost a ratings grab riding on the coat tails of an ABC/Fairfax investigation that Nine had no part of and secondly an attempt to mitigate or deflect any criticism of Nine. What was so important about this news story that it got the special Tracey Grimshaw treatment compared to all the other much more significant news items for this year? And what happened to the rest of the story about the management of the channel that enabled the alleged behaviour. And the closing comment “And of course we didn’t pay Don Burke for that interview” -huh?


Yes this is the important bit.

Nine’s bosses are alleged to have told some of the now-accusers to “take it in their stride”. Burke may have committed the actions in the first place, but Nine was complicit in covering it up and making sure that their bottom line was not put at risk.

The former CEO of CTC, which produced Burke’s Backyard for Nine in the 1990s and 2000s, stated on 7.30 this evening that Nine had not told him about any instances of abusers coming forward. Either he’s saving his own skin, is dense enough to have not noticed the main star of his company sexually harassing people, or was not told by Nine or any individual, in spite of Burke’s behaviour being an “open secret” in the industry.

I hazard a guess that a lot of people are in it up to their necks.



And I’ll bet you anything ACA is Number 1 program with over 1m in tomorrow morning’s ratings :wink:

These guys must live in a parallel universe.


Okay, so I was no where close, oops.


I found this creepy at the time, but now it’s just revolting.

Not the first or last time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Didn’t really drop nor spike from its usual numbers

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A lot of usual armchair experts around yesterday afternoon when it came out he was appearing on ACA. Like usual they disappeared when they realised it was actually a decent interview. Much like when ACA went to Manus Island.