
Seems like it’s a ‘soft launch’ - it’s not meant to properly launch until Thursday it seems

Seems they’ve also redesigned the 7travel website as well so it’s no longer a useless collection of scrolling pictures on a single landing page.

No Family Guy as usual :l

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They’d rather you watch it live with ads.

PLUS7 will be available on Telstra TV, Fetch, Samsung, Sony, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox One and T-Box until the 31st March 2018. :frowning:

I have issues with the Plus 7 app on the TTV. After a show finishes the screen just goes black and nothing happens and sometimes when an ad break finishes the same thing happens :frowning:


Can I watch shows in HD?

We’re looking to add this feature in the future. Check back here or stay up to date via our social channels.

Seriously? So no app and no HD … all year for this what a joke…

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Does them NOT mentioning the AppleTV mean a 7plus app is about to appear for AppleTV?


I can see they’ve tried, but the layout on desktop started to look a little cheap once I’d played around with it.

Library looks a little bare. There’s only so many times you can put 800 Words and Packed to the Rafters in different categories before it starts to seem like there isn’t a whole lot on offer. Apparently not much American content on there yet?


Yeah, i’ve had a bit of a look through it myself, and it really looks like there’s nothing much on offer at all.


+7 (7Plus) apparenrly has the biggest reach though, possibly explains ad count?

It is frustrating and sometimes loading makes it freeze / jump back or crash!

According to apple store / google play, it has over 1 million downloads, Ten and Nine’s VOD are nowhere close.

Though Nine would like you to know, they have “millions” of registered accounts :thinking:


New promo:


I noticed my old Plus7 app changed to Video Yahoo7 today. Surprised they didn’t just discontinue it.


Pretty sure it has been discontinued, it’s no longer in the App Store.

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Yeah, I noticed that too.
The PLUS7 app on the Apple TV has just randomly changed to “Yahoo7 Video”.
Why not just change it over to 7plus?

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Would it have something to do with the fact that Plus7 was part of the Yahoo7 JV whereas 7plus is a separate product managed by SWM?


What the fuck is wrong with Seven’s live streaming. It ain’t bloody working at the moment!! I want to watch the Christmas Day Seven News in Sydney and I’m getting nothing. Hopeless!! What’s worse, Seven don’t seem to upload their news bulletins to 7plus anymore so I’ll have no way to watch it.

Edit: It’s working again now, after 40 minutes of it have gone by…


You can watch Seven News Sydney on its Twitter account. Most reports are uploaded online 10-15 minutes after they are shown on TV.

Noticed yesterday (was sure I read wasn’t happening until March ) that my TTV 1 updated to now show the 7plus app. Much nicer app and ads seem to load better with a timer and transition to the show smoother.

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7 News is back on 7plus! Better yet, the expiry time is longer than 24 hours now, increased to one week.

In Adelaide, I only see the ‘episodes’ tab for 7 News Adelaide, so I assume you’ll only see your own state’s news bulletin.


About damn time!

The web addresses are interesting - “7NNX” (the X being the city) = 7 Nightly News?

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Jokes aside, I like how all the Presenter portraits are mostly consistent and appear to be taken recently rather than being ripped from existing material. Glad they have finally added News. :slight_smile:


That’d be damn bloody right wouldn’t it!!! So I would only be able to see the crappy Perth bulletin this way since I live in WA :angry::angry:
Luckily I can still watch the much better produced and presented Sydney bulletin live through the 7News website!!