
Depends if royalties were stipulated in their contracts. Back then, it probably wasn’t as it was rerun or sydicated for a while.

I think the bigger issue is music. Many soaps soundtracked with contemporary songs, and renewing those licenses can be pricey.


I’m sure that 7Plus has had a collection before of episodes a few years ago of deaths/births for Home and Away etc like now .Maybe I’m thinking of another show.

No, They had that for H&A

MSNBC and CNBC plus Sky News UK would be nice additions. They have Bloomberg Television on

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A couple of episodes of the first season were on the h&a channel the other day.


Omg, I completely forgot I posted this way back in May and now it’s happened. Wow. Thanks, BigVic for reminding me.


Some good movies and Law and Order in there.


Some pretty great stuff there.


why do they show border security bs instead of sports stuff like cricket snd footy

Seven don’t have streaming rights to cricket in this rights agreement.


Which will change under both new deals, but not until 2024 i think.

i swear 7plus is the most buggiest pos i ever used i swear to god

i then have to fix it by clearing out 7plus data
wtf does “error -1” even mean anyway

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This ^ It’s basically like they’re trying but they just can’t make it. It’s a catch-up system that has almost everything but it needs a lot of work.

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and I thought Presto was bad
oh wait, that was also half owned by Seven :thinking:

was presto as buggy as 7plus when it was around

I’ve never had any issues with 7+


What do you normally use it on?

I use it on the Apple TV the only issues I have are

  1. Opening app and continue watching and my list are not there if i click at the top and then come back it reappears.

  2. Sometimes playing something in the continue watching it will just not play and go back to the continue watching row … sometimes it will play in double where the audio starts playing then twice and the sound first …

It regularly just crashed whilst you were mid show/movie