7flix - Programs and Schedules

Nice promo for Friday and Saturday family movie nights:

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A strange thing happened this evening on 7flix. Criminal Intent S5 had to be played out of order, due to two episodes (also a two-parter arc) being classified MA15+ and not allowed to be broadcast before 8:30pm. So Seven will air Ep4 with the Logan(Chris Noth)/Barek (Annabella Sciorra) team, which they were up to following last Monday’s, next Sunday instead. Tonight Ep5 aired at 7:30pm (rated M), followed by that aforementioned two part episode (“In The Wee Small Hours: Pt1 and Pt2”).

@aarontvcentral might be interested, often onto episode numbers and all.

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Yes well observed :slight_smile:
I did have those correct numbers in the TV Central TV guides. But yes that is why it was played out of order.


Although, I’m not sure why they couldn’t have just aired E4 and then the two-part E6&7. And air E5 from next Sunday? Maybe they thought it was better to lead-in to E6 with the preceding E5 (E5>6>7) and/or perhaps there was storyline continuity somewhat in E5?

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Not sure but that sounds right

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Just FYI Sully, I have looked ahead and there will be a few instances when CI episodes will be out of order. At one point they jump from episode 10 to ep 20. These are due to the MA classification and they getting some of the MA episodes out of the way early


Good insight.


It could also be because Seven want to keep continuity with the detective teams, now they’re at S5, this was when episodes started to alternate between ‘Team A’ Goren (Vincent D’Onofrio)/Eames (Kathryn Erbe) and ‘Team B’ Logan (Chris Noth)/Barek (Annabella Sciorra) and later Wheeler (Julianne Nicholson), Falacci (Alicia Witt), Nichols (Jeff Goldblum) and Stevens (Saffron Burrows) - assuming Seven will progressively get those rights up to S10.

As last night’s two-parter actually had both teams combined (all four detectives starring in the episode), very rare, would only happen again twice (“Revolutions” in S8 and the two-part S9 opener “Loyalty Pt 1 & Pt 2”).

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There could be some stuff like that but I was advised by Seven that episodes out of order are to do with MA content


It’s a wonder they didn’t just edit the episodes down to M, is or was fairly routine practice.

CI didn’t have too much MA content, like the OG L&O. It was usually always SVU, which used to cause some headaches for Ten in the day.

It also appears Seven are following the ACB classifications closely, as networks have always done with movies (as they were all released/re-released on DVD some years ago), whether they’re requesting the reports or just using the online portal for the classification. As Seven’s classifications mirror theirs exactly, in fact every single ep of S4 was the exact same (which made me wonder if classifiers even reviewed individual eps), but they have for S5 as that DVD was MA and the two-parter last night were both MA but the others have been M so have had to view them to determine which ones contributed to that rating and apply their own consumer advice for the M ones (unless they got the ACB report and it said which eps).

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apologies for double post - to seperate from last for clarity

According to advanced guides, Seven have secured S7 rights of SVU and will air from Sunday week in double eps, as flagged by Seven programming to TVT’s annual m/c survey and Seven Upfronts. Hopefully L&O and CI follows.

Also coinciding IIRC with around 1 year since Seven’s current NBC-U output commenced/7Bravo launched.

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Season 7 or 17? Season 7 is almost 20 years old! Why bother with something so old? They’ve all been shown on Foxtel/Binge etc. numerous times.


You’re entitled to your opinion of course, however I think the point has been missed here.

Classic L&O franchise’s performance has been tracked and noted on MS a number of times this year, more so back half of the year. It is probably 7flix’s best success/new consistent performer (alongside First Dates and Gordon Ramsay) since Seinfeld left (for 10 - now Nine).

This channel struggles to achieve 2% total people shares/stable and solid audience base, depsite it previously having done so regularly pre-COVID and particularly its first few years (besides Saturdays where movie marathons still perform). It should however be noted other m/c (in fact most) have also fallen away as FTA continues its decline post-COVID. Sundays had been this channel’s worst performing night a couple of years back, regularly under 1% share (sometimes barely over 0.3% which is unacceptable for a commercial and embarrasing vs some of ABC and SBS’ niche channels).

L&O, namely Criminal Intent (no matter that the series concluded in 2011 and might be 21 years old here), has been a shining light and seen Sundays at least pull around 2% shares, multiple times even well above that, up against the might of big reality shows and events, even the other week was No. 2 m/c and held very well, when all other channels fell or only did 1% (I think the Mushroom concert night and Christmas Eve).
I also mentioned that it wasn’t exactly the biggest show, certainly compared to the heights of L&O OG and SVU (depsite it once still doing really well) and perhaps has re-found old or lost audience or a brand new audience, yes Foxtel’s Universal and Crime etc channels over the years but that’s obviously Pay TV and a large portion wouldn’t have watched or discovered there.

So why would Seven stop, when it’s clearly working? And with more rights and promotion or tinkers to other schedules, especially as it becomes rusted on for fans/channel surfers, could even go higher. Other MS members have also added thoughts and agreed, such as @OnAir (who made a good point about the genre and specific style of show and it finding a timeslot gap that targets certain viewers looking for 60min or more of something like this) and @aarontvcentral.

(Sorry I way overanalysed this! :rofl:)


First of all, Happy New Year, secondly my prejudice is showing! :laughing: I am not a fan of 7, main channel overated and secondary channels are rubbish but off course we are all entitled to our view and maybe rusted on 7 viewers like 20 year old shows. Even though I’m an oldie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I prefer my shows a little more up to date.

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You too :clinking_glasses:

Ok. Not really sure what the relevance is there. And think the point and my entire previous post was still missed.

It’s these tag-lines I’m referring to? Perplexing.

What on earth are you on about.
Move on if you’re not going to add anything


Not everyone has Foxtel so seeing old episodes of Law and Order has been great for me at least (have seen event seasons of SVU) but not the first few seasons including 7. And Criminal Intent has been a joy
To watch on 7flix.

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As there is some discussion about Law & Order, I thought I would advise that 7flix will air Law & Order: Trial By Jury once Law & Order: LA wraps.


Had the best opening theme, which CI then took from S7.

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7Plus uploaded S6 of CI last week. This was on 9Now about 6 months ago and had been there for a year or so.

Also, last night, an impressive 2.5% share for the channel (after similar the previous Sunday), despite the might of the Aus Open and also Muster Dogs/Total Control, Big Bash and first run Top Gun 2. No program from the channel ranked in m/c total people or key demos, but it indicates CI and SVU got an okay m/c audience for these days (say 50-60k give or take) but was able to maintain that across multiple eps/the night.