7flix - Programs and Schedules

I presume that the “iQ1.5” is the name for the newer, post-2008 boxes that are MPEG4-capable?

Either way, it’s good to know that Foxtel cable customers will have access to 7Flix from tomorrow! :slightly_smiling:

Full text of Foxtel annoucement

Foxtel is in discussion with Channel 7 regarding the 7Flix channel. From 22 March, this channel will be available to cable subscribers with iQ3, iQ2 and iQ1.5 set top boxes. Due to technical reasons, we are unable to bring this to all Foxtel boxes.

At this time, this means that the channel is not available on MyStar boxes or satellite subscribers.

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I have an iq2 and cable and no 7flix…

According to Foxtel:

At this stage, it now looks like the revised date for the 7Flix launch will be the 24th March

The incorrect date format is all Foxtel’s doing :slightly_smiling:


Yes, a Foxtel mistake not mine :slight_smile: The revised date as advised by TVCynic is the 24th March, not the 22nd (today). The new channel will be on channel 187.

They’ve posted on their Facebook page, March 31st.

Why can’t they make FTA channels available via satellite?

Probably because satellite bandwidth is precious and expensive.


Well I would like it. And I pay Foxtel enough. They should make it happen :grin:

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Bloody expensive, which is why they only offer commercial SD FTA’s to their customers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Not even ABC can afford to (or justify the costs) offer ABC2 and ABC3 for each state, opting for one AEDT version of each for all customers nationally. Personally, I think the costs are well justified, particularly in WA where the Foxtel Satellite take-up per capita is huge. Imagine if Nine Perth forked out the cash and started to broadcast their channels on satellite? They’d get a huge ratings boost over Seven.


You heard it here first, folks!

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Does anyone have a screenshot of this?

[quote=“TV_Addict, post:694, topic:341, full:true”]
They’ve posted on their Facebook page, March 31st.
[/quote] Foxtel or Channel 7? Foxtel Community is still saying 24/3 as is a reply on Foxtel Facebook.

We should just run the Whirlpool RSS feed in here. Saves having to copy and paste everything.


[quote=“WAtvVideos, post:702, topic:341”]
We should just run the Whirlpool RSS feed in here. Saves having to copy and paste everything.
[/quote] I don’t read Whirlpool Forums so I hope this doesn’t include me :slight_smile: I got the info straight from Foxtel posted on their Community boards. Which part of this thread is quoting Whirlpool?

Just the misleading parts.


Yeah… probably misleading… someone on Whirlpool said they had seen that date on the Facebook Page was what my post was saying.

I can’t find it on their FB page.

7flix now up and running on Channel 187 on Foxtel Cable.

So we were right.

Sucked in whirlpool :slight_smile:


Reporting from Darwin, 7 flix has not yet arrived in Darwin either So it will be sometime before 7 flix arrives up here.