7flix - Programs and Schedules

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So who’s the illiterate running that account?


They seem to be technically incompetent as well! Here’s a couple - all within a few hours today




How are the general public supposed to know what is going on with that sort of advice being delivered from an official account?

who says it’s official? It’s anything but.

And add this one to the list too: https://twitter.com/7FlixAU

It seems to post very regularly about each program that is broadcast including video and screen grabs and if you look at the followers there are the majority of “official” 7 accounts as far as I can tell - including the 7 network Twitter account

and yet it’s littered with appalling grammar, sloppy punctuation and horrendous phrasing like “would of”. I know Twitter accounts are not always bound by rules of spelling and grammar but I see nothing on that site that indicates it’s anything more than a kid with too much time on his hands and too little ability to be able to pull off a fake. And Seven’s other accounts are nothing like this one. And I didn’t see Seven’s main Twitter account as among the followers.

The lack of the “tick” does that account no favours either.


Neither 7mate nor 7flix have official Twitter accounts as far as I’m aware.

Damn that work experience kid!

That’s clearly a troll account.

Alright guys, which one of you is running it?


Saturday Disney moving to 7flix next Saturday from 7am

Which is bad news for kids living in regional areas (except in parts of Queensland) because they can’t get 7flix on their TV.

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No way! 7 flix has NOT arrived in Tasmania, regional SA, Darwin or central Australia as far as I’m aware.

It’s not yet available in those areas.


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The once great show, now more ‘out of the way’ than ever. Would love to see a ratings comparison with Kids’ WB on GO. Pretty sure in the past Saturday Disney easily won against Kids WB, I suspect that is no longer the case

Seven should’ve copied GO! when programming 7flix. Kids programming for overnight/morning/afternoon and movies for primetime. Unlike Nine and WB, Seven still has the Disney output deal. Time to start using that content rather than onselling it to Disney Channels on Foxtel.

Regional viewers already miss out on the first hour. I guess the rest being shafted to a non-existent channel won’t matter too much to Prime.

Prime TV your local Home Shopping Network… How’s that for there new slogan!


I can’t see prime launching 7flix for at least a few months, southern cross is in the same boat

On Whirlpool someone says there is another 7Flix stream with different audio.

7Flix playout error occurred during the movie “Take Me Home Tonight.” The movie restarted after the ad break showing a video format screen.

From 22 March, 7flix will be available to cable subscribers with iQ3, iQ2 and iQ1.5 set top boxes on Foxtel.