7flix - Programs and Schedules

I thought they would keep the movies , as I assumed they got higher numbers in the ratings.



Usually they would, however, so far they haven’t been so great.
I think a large reason for this is that the movies start at 8.30, while MKR goes until 9:00 - which means that 4 nights a week 20-25% of the TV audience are already committed to a show which they won’t switch away from, realistically who wants to start watching a movie 30 minutes (or more if MKR runs over) into it.

Futher, the impact of MPEG-4 in yet to be fully understood. Networks and freeview claim that MPEG-4 has been included in TVs for about 5 years, which is definitely the case for the bigger name brands such as Sony, Samsung etc, but I believe that MPEG-4 hasn’t been included for as long in cheaper brands such as Kogan, Changhong, Hisense etc, which do take up a large number of TV sales - not to mention all those TVs that are older. I know in my house we have 4 TVs, but only one of those is MPEG-4 compatible, and that’s only because our TV from 2007 stopped working last year.

Basically it’s in the networks’ best interests to make MPEG-4 sound far more accessible than it really is, and they also base their figures on households with at least 1 MPEG-4 compatible TV - but very few people are going to move to a different room to watch a particular channel when there’s another 15 to choose from without moving. I therefore don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that less than 50% of viewers have convenient access to MPEG-4 broadcasts at this stage.

MPEG-4 is the way of the future, and it’s great that broadcasters are embracing the technology to eventually encourage more people to get MPEG-4 compatible TVs, but it’s unrealistic to expect any huge success from an MPEG-4 channel just yet.

I Reckon 7flix needs to add The Goldbergs to Tuesday Night’s after The Muppets and Galvant and Agent Carter on Wednesdays after The Mindy Project.


Has MPEG-4 been around 5 years in Australia ? I was pleasantly surprised the mid 2009 bought LG had that functionality. Though I suspected when I bought it , it would , because it has the option when doing a factory reset of picking Australia or NZ as the country. NZ uses MPEG-4.

I’m guessing it had a MPEG-4 tuner because it was sold in NZ not sure if it was because of MPEG-4 coming in that time.

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They should strip The Goldbergs at 7pm weeknights. 7flix would be outrating Ten in no time.


Is the audio not matching the picture for anyone else? Happening real bad here during the show (Bewitched - which I thought may have been the old copy) but it’s also happening during ad’s.

Hopefully they don’t remove all of the 8.30 movies. I watched flix quite a bit last week because they had decent movies on :stuck_out_tongue:

It has nothing to do with the tuner - the tuner just brings in the digital information - it doesn’t decode the audio/video streams. For that reason, my DVB-T tuner card from 2003 can pick up the MPEG-4 broadcasts - since it’s the computer’s software that does the decoding. If we moved to DVB-T2, however, that would be a tuner issue, due to different modulation, etc.

Ignoring the pop-up 3D test transmissions, I believe the first MPEG-4 broadcast channel was 4ME, back in 2011. However, there were many complaints and 7 soon switched it back to MPEG-2.


I can’t believe the surprise at movies not being on every night at 8.30. Where did you expect Greys etc would go? Surely not7.30. Everyone was saying they couldn’t be at 10.30 because that would be treating the shows as bad as when they were on 7. Can’t have it both ways!

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It wouldn’t be a surprise except that “movies every night at 8.30” was the channel’s main selling point prior to launch. It’s barely lasted 2 weeks.


Yes - that message was really rammed home especially in the loop that ran nonstop for weeks before launch


What’s wrong with 7.30?

I think old mate @spw68 has forgotten that shows like that can now run earlier with their classifications.

Not at all, but they just don’t seem like the sort of shows that you’d sit down to with the family at 7.30. And, as previously mentioned, they’ll struggle to compete against MKR. Later in the evening they’d be more competitive I’d think.

We get it - three posts in a 24 hour span saying the same thing doesn’t change the situation…

It seems 7Flix last week performed similar to 9Go in that it’s strongest nights were Thursday to Saturday when movies are shown on most channels. As @webguy said above, 8:30pm movies every night was always going to be a risky strategy to base 7flix around since most ‘tentpole’ reality programs (not just MKR) end around 9pm. While we don’t know whether 8:30pm/9:30pm dramas is just something they’re doing on Monday’s, if it’s a change of strategy - it might be a better move for the channel’s performance by focusing on dramas during the week and the movies on Friday & Saturday.

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exactly. Just because you can screen a show at 7.30, or 6.30, or whatever, doesn’t mean it is the best thing to do. You’ve still got to tap in to whatever the market will tune in to.

Having said that while I’m no fan of Greys I would not object to having some sort of drama at 7.30 just because there is very little of that on TV at that time and these channels are meant to be about offering alternatives.

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Grey’s is an 8pm show in the US. I find the intro of drama at 8.30 interesting as the best ratings that 7Flix has had so far all come from movies. Again last night the movie 10 Things I Hate About You was the channel’s best result.