7flix - Programs and Schedules

I’d rather the pre-emptions and see every episode within a day.

Sounds like 7flix will be home to movies and big U.S. titles. Better than later post-10.30 airings on 7.


For Those Living Outside the Major Metro and Regional Queensland TV Areas, The Ony Bet to watch 7flix Live is by PLUS7 on the Internet or the App.

Will be interesting to see how long it takes Prime and SCTV to carry this channel. In the past SCTV has always been the slow one to roll anything out.

How long did it take for Racing.com to be rolled out to regional areas?
By memory it was pretty quick, though it would have been a lot easier since it didn’t need localisation.

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…so is the remainder of S2 of HTGAWM being broadcast on 7flix or are they starting from the beginning?

Weekday schedule is out: (well Monday anyway)

6.00-10.00am Childrens programming
10.00 Once Upon A Time 2 episodes
12.00 Quantico 3 episodes
3.00 Bewitched
3.30 I Dream of Jeannie
4.00 Who’s the Boss 2 eps
5.00 Married With Children 2 eps
6.00 Seinfeld
6.30 Once Upon A Time 2 eps
8.30 Movie: You Me And Dupree
10.30 First Dates rpt
11.30 Cougar Town

Clarifying the media release from Seven, the episodes for next week will be

The Muppets, S1 Ep 3 and 4
The Mindy Project S2 Ep 12 and 13

I’ve posted the entire first weeks schedule for 7flix on the Mediaweek website. I’ve stripped out some data like episode titles, just because the post is more about getting a feel for the sort of content one can expect from the channel, rather than the nitty gritty details.

Most of the shows do seem to be starting from episode 1, except for Once Upon a Time which is starting with mid season 3.


Someone on TV Tonight asked and I was wondering… will the channel be online in regions where it isn’t shown on free to air tv ? I’m assuming it will be online everywhere.

thanks Dan!

@TV_Addict My understanding is that it is being streamed in full alongside the other channels they are streaming. What I’m not 100% sure on is whether that includes all of the movies. I know that when Seven broadcast a TV show they do not have streaming rights to they drop in an alternate show for the stream.

Not sure how that will work for films.


If I remember correctly they were all about a month after each other in regards to Racing.com. ie. Channel 7 --> Prime --> SCTV

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For those wondering about 7Flix and Foxtel apparently negotiations are on-going but not happening at the present time. (https://community.foxtel.com.au/t5/Announcements/7Flix-on-Foxtel/m-p/115369#M3713).

7flix is now showing on Plus7 :slight_smile: advertising starting on Sunday

SCTV in Regional SA got it 1 week after 7

Not showing up for me on my browser… just 7.72, 7mate and racing.com

I’m pretty sure that they’ll put in the stream(s) for 7Flix when the channel actually launches. No point in having 7Flix streams running now when it’s only running about three minutes worth of promotional material on a loop across the clock!

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