Great job Leo. When we watched it I explained to my wife and my 10 year old about your history and your start and we were all super impressed with your maturity, articulation and commitment with what you have created. You have made a very unique position for yourself and I really do take my hat off to you. Well done mate.
Is there a video of the news breakfast or 7 news reports?
I screen recorded WB, will put it up soon
Great work Leo! With out social media I don’t think we’d have such a talented young man started his own news service . Great work mate.
Yes that is true but for many children social media is not a positive experience. I’d like to say it is up to the parents to decide whether their children can handle it but in reality some are not up to that. Therefore the government needs to intervene. Personally I am all for the 16 year age limit on social media.
i feel a ban is the nuclear option though
shouldnt the government focus on educating kids about the risks of social media? therefore the government is still doing something about it, and the decision is still up to the parents?
When has banning kids from anything stopped them from doing it?
Parents these days are too busy trying to be their kids friends to care about most things but I don’t believe the Government should be getting involved. Besides, the US social media companies have shown they don’t really care what the Australian Government wants.
Even if there is an age restriction put in place the kids will still find a way to use it, so instead of banning anything just educate them on the dangers so they can be better prepared if something happens.
Far, far too late for education now. The damage has been done.
It’s also almost totally unenforceable. What happens if a 15 year old signs up to Facebook using a VPN and claiming to be in, say, America? Are they going to be arrested for breaking the law?
I don’t see a ban being a good idea, but I also feel like parents allowing their kids to be as exposed online as the ones on this site is a poor decision, especially as they’re likely exposed to strangers online messaging them.
I agree, I think that whilst a ban is a bad idea, parents need to be educated on the dangers of social media. I know that sounds trite but it is important, now more than ever.
My parents were VERY strict on this - I wasn’t allowed social media at all until my late teens. It probably held me back socially at the time, but looking back, it probably did me the world of good, not least because I didn’t get sucked into these petty little dramas that often happen on social media (and then seep into real life).
Given that Media Spy is a form of social media, I don’t think that younger Australians should be denied the pleasures of the forum
I think this is actually going to become less of an issue in time. In the next few years we will reach a point where most parents of teenagers have experience of using social media in their own teen years, and will be more conscious of the risks based on their own first hand experience.
You actually make a good point, anything that has profiles, posts, messages or any type of communication can be considered social media. That could extend down to online gaming like Xbox Live etc.
Although TV.Cynic’s comment came across somewhat as tongue in cheek, it’s true, and this is why it’d be a slippery slope when the government could dictate what is and isn’t social media. It’s a flawed concept and always has been.
That doesn’t mean we ignore the downsides and do nothing, but this ain’t the answer.
Noticed the 6 News mic flag (only 18 minutes in mind you…) watching back the Chris Scott press conference - not sure how common that is, but pretty good get to be up there with the big players - plus better placed than Seven/K-Rock managed in terms of visibility from that angle.
Lincoln Holmes does a great job for us down in Geelong, we’ve managed to get mic flags to most of our reporters so it’s shown up in Queensland with Roman Mackinnon as well
Hey all, For anyone interested - I’ve written up a Queensland election preview for next week. Would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it! Cheers, Roman
Very good write up - covers most of the key issues and seats.
how do u get to the press confrences?