WIN News

That’s a mess on both Prime7 Albury and Seven Regional Queensland. A one hour national news bulletin is very important and Seven Regional Queensland and Prime7 don’t get that. With a cutdown national news bulletin you don’t get to hear stuff like a massacre in America, a celebrity death, a health report or breaking news. Albury and Regional Queensland don’t need another cut down national news bulletin. A cutdown Seven News bulletin is bad enough. I wouldn’t even watch a cutdown Seven News bulletin either.

As long as it’s working for them in the ratings, they won’t change anything.


We survived for many years with a cut down half hour bulletin - I still preferred those. Too much additional fluff in the hour long bulletins.


Most of which are repeated throughout the day across the various bulletins from the metros.

Seven + Prime also understand that local news is more important to the communities they serve hence why the regional bulletins take priority. A strong flagship bulletin also tends to help with the overall network ratings, which is why 7QLD is the market leader across the state.

If I was still living in the regions I’d prefer an hour long state ‘local’ news bulletin over the hour long national bulletin.

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And in Australia doesn’t exist.


Hearing about what’s happening in your local region is just as important as what’s going on around the nation and the world. Local news helps give a voice to rural areas and is a powerful resource.


What are the ratings like for the Canberra and Tasmania bulletins?

not sure on Tasmania, but the ratings for WIN Canberra are really good. They are consistently in the top 10 of programs. Wollongong are a little hit and miss, but you would expect that to change when they will be the only local news in the Illawarra come July 1. Out west in Orange Dubbo Wagga, ratings have actually been better than usual, so WIN should be happy with that, since they will be producing what the views in that area are already used to. Just to point out though PRIME still clearly the leader there in ODW. But the viewer catchment i believe for ODW is around 200 to 250 thousand people, and PRIME gets around 50 thousand a night (down from last year of consistent 60 thousand a night, Ch 9 rate in the high teens and WIN (with 10 affiliation- so TEN News) in the single digits and then some nights the low teens) compare to say 2019 ratings, all channels are down for the 5pm to 730pm newsish time by easily 15%

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Not good for WIN in Tasmania. The top 4 programs consistently are 7 Tas News and the 3 weeks I just checked had no programs from WIN in the Top 20 at all, including WIN News.

(Mods: Hoping that doesn’t breach our ratings discussion agreement, feel free to remove or change if it does)

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WIN News never makes the top 20 in Tasmania, only MasterChef or I’m A Celebrity randomly.

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Shadow of glory days with Tom Payne in the chair…

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and Remo on weekends!

Definitely better days for them back then. They’ll be looking forward to having the Nine affiliation back, hopefully they might be able to become a bit more competitive in the news stakes then in Tassie.

They’re in a difficult spot, up against what seems to be an impossible to beat competition with 7 who showed they could put anyone in the chair last year and carry on as normal. If they axe the bulletins though, the backlash would be huge - their decision to axe the weekend bulletins years ago was probably the biggest catalyst to the current downfalls. I’d love them to be competitive and I really hope they can be again but I do feel for the staff. All working so hard and just not really making much headway would be difficult.


What about Col with sport!

They were certainly the glory days.

I think your 100% correct, SCA are so dominate that it really doesn’t matter what WIN does they will be a long way behind. I suspect even the ABC out rates them.

I suspect that WIN have looked very seriously at dumping WIN News TAS many times but I suspect there might be a clause in their licence that makes them do it, as it must be hard going making it pay its own way.

Its actually not a bad product, I watch it semi-regularly (ABC is my go to due to work commitments) and think the team put out a good product. I think against the SCA dominance they get smashed, but most regions would be more than happy to get a similar news service.


They do. ABC is a clear second in Tasmania followed by TDT and WIN.

News service wise, I actually wouldn’t even be surprised if Nine News Melbourne via TDT has been outrating WIN News Tasmania recently.

Hopefully once the affiliation switch is reversed, we might see WIN News Tasmania become a bit more competitive in the ratings to the point they’ll consider bringing back the composite format. But of course I won’t be holding my breath for that to happen!


From tonight’s Media Watch.


A big assumption from Media Watch that ABC Radio, The Bendigo Advertiser and the local section on The Herald-Sun website won’t cover local news in the area.


I think they’re referring to the amount of resources being taken away from the local papers, if indeed they’re still running, plus the amount of funding the ABC seems to be getting less and less of.


God forbid regional markets like Bendigo: stuck with SCA’s two minute TV news and networked radio bulletins, ACM’s thinly-packed papers and whatever token tabloid reporting News Corp wants to drum up to drive readers to subscribe to its metro mastheads.

Good thing the ABC gutted local radio to fund the News Channel, hey? Oh.


the Ballarat courier of late hasn’t been so thinly packed