
These types of supers usually follow a full playout of the advert. There would be a break in play, then an ad break with the full advertisement then the super would come up 20-30 seconds later during the program.

I think the watermark is in the correct position if it had rings


Long Offspring watermark during MasterChef tonight. And it is too big.


I completely agree! Just look how it intrudes into MasterChef’s On-Screen text in this cap:


WIN Queensland again supporting the local team with their watermark

Not sure what that says about Nine :grinning:


Read into it what you will, but Nine uses a blue watermark on all their sports coverage.

Patriotic coverup aside I’m sure WIN will be happy with the result of tonight’s game, no massive audience (or at least not as large as it would’ve been in NSW won tonight anyway) for SCA Nine come July 13! :wink:


Great cap. But unfortunately upon closer inspection, there are
interlaced lines which means you capped the watermark when it’s just
starting to fade out. To anyone in Melbourne or Adelaide (or any Seven
region where it’s broadcasting HD 1080i), please try capping the Channel
Seven watermark within a completely black frame (like a 4:3 show or a
black background) asap, because Channel Seven Sydney is now broadcasting
SD-quality everywhere, even online, according to SydneyCityTV.

Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I just realised I commented on the wrong post. This is the pic where the watermark needs improvement, if anyone is willing to recap the Seven watermark.

Judging from this video uploaded by 7Olympics’ Facebook page, I think confirms the return of the Seven Olympic Rings logo lockup in top right corner, ala 2000s :slight_smile: :+1:

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WIN’s new watermark:


Here’s one from the HD stream a while back

Ringless 7mate


Thought I had better tune in for Monday :slight_smile: - multichannels don’t have the location


It has to be WIN’s best Watermark in a long time.

noticed on 11 they still show tens logo when advertising programs

They do when the shows screen on Ten. Is that unusual?

To translate - the main WIN channel will show promos for Ten programming with the Ten logo replaced with a WIN logo, while on WIN’s version of Eleven, regular Ten promos with Ten logos will screen.

I’d assume that’s just that WIN take a clean feed of Ten, but dirty feeds of One/Eleven, so don’t/can’t swap out Ten promos with their WIN versions of them.


Bravo Watermark
Captured from the live stream.

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[quote=“Moe, post:420, topic:252, full:true”]
To translate - the main WIN channel will show promos for Ten programming with the Ten logo replaced with a WIN logo, while on WIN’s version of Eleven, regular Ten promos with Ten logos will screen.[/quote]Not just on Eleven by the way, same deal over on One also. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s weird. They were both showing WIN promos after they launched. Something must be broken.

Seven has both Live watermark and Olympic rings for House Rules grand final on the east coast. It is in HD but the show is still in SD.

…at least you guys down in Melbourne even have Seven in HD! :wink: