US Politics

But its alright for those with a right wing opinion to sprout that around?

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Haven’t you heard? Andrew Bolt is constantly being silenced and never fails to remind everyone across his TV show, radio show, newspaper column and blog. Never gets an opportunity to say what he thinks. Gosh he was even on the ABC this year :wink:


Right wing opinions are usually labelled by the media as “nut job” opinions, yet the same is never said for left wing opinions.

People who espouse right wing opinions are usually invited onto the ABC or given a hearing on the basis of them being some sort of circus freak, something to be laughed at or to find amusing (or, if you’re a typical tweeter “harrowing”, “terrifying” or “genuinely scary”). Right wing opinions are only ever sort from FAR-right politicians and commentators, and never from the moderate wing.

Further, there is a tendency to viciously attack any right wing Senator, even though the same is never done with far left Senators - for example, Sarah Hanson-Young, even though in my opinion she is probably the dopiest politician in the world.

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This isn’t the case on sky news or in news corp publications.

Invariably right wing opinions are nut job opinions. Case in point… Donald trump.

Trump is not a conservative. A lot of his ideas/beliefs are left wing.

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They certainly are not left wing. They could be considered a wing off another bird in a completely different universe.


Ok, well he was the least conservative of the 16 republican nominees he was up against. He wants 45% tarrifs on Chinese & Mexican goods and services, he opposes free market reforms to welfare entitlements and wants to reach out to the Russians. These are not conservative things to do. But I can see why you would have your belief as these things are not covered on the TV media.

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I can’t really comment on your fact, I am not sure if it is even correct, but here are some ‘leftist’ things Trump wants to do. Note they are not leftist at all

  1. Surveillance on Mosques
  2. Bomb the ‘hell’ out of Isis
  3. Adopt a new tax system where those earning less than $25,000 not to pay where they simply state ‘I Win’
  4. Lower business tax (self interest)
  5. Build a great wall between US and Mexico
  6. Deport up to 11 million people
  7. Not stop the limits on guns instead invest in Mental Health (I can kind of understand the investing in Mental Health - but I believe it would be easier to just stop guns)
  8. Climate change is just weather. Nothing needs to be done
  9. Send back Syrian migrants taking refuge in America
  10. Muslims not admitted into the US.
  11. No abortions
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Well my points are correct and if you want you can check with the US studies centre.
I think majority of Americans agree with his policy. Not only what you’ve listed but also a non politician running the country to give a big F you to Washington.
In terms of the wall, there is already a fence of sorts between the US & Mexico which is ineffective. A great big wall would be much more effective. What’s wrong with keeping illegals out of the country?
In terms of guns, I am 100% anti guns. Unfortunately, the US will never change due to the 2nd amendment. They can change other things around that though. Trump has said that he will work with the NRA (who I’m not fond of at all) to stop people on the no fly list accessing firearms. This is much easier for him to do than Clinton, as they endorsed him.
His ban on Muslim immigration until the politicians can work out the problem ‘has morphed into extreme vetting’, and, a majority of Americans agree with it also. And if you look at a recent Essential (left wing) Poll here in Australia, a majority of Australians with an opinion on the topic agree with it.
I would love surveillance on mosque here in Australia. The 15yo (or thereabouts) Parramatta Shooter walked into the mosque empty handed and left with a gun.
Now of course he is going to have some conservative policy (such as anti abortion) because he is the Republican Nomination, but when compared to the 16 people he was up against (and defeated) he is the least conservative.

As former NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr recently said, a Hillary Clinton Presidency would be far worse due to the fact that her being so corrupt, a lifetime politician and part of the establishment will only build a deeper resentment in the American public against politicians and will create a far worse anti-establishment presidential nominee in 2020.

It is Trumps character that lets him down.

I have yet to see proof that Hillary Clinton has been corrupt?

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What about surveillance cameras in Churches? We know for a fact that corrupt things have occurred in their for centuries.

I don’t really understand what you are saying here. Perhaps you could be a bit clearer. As for majority of American’s agreeing with his policy I guess we will find that out on election day…

Well if you are anti guns you will find trump is 100% for guns.[quote=“TFTV, post:214, topic:1886”]
His ban on Muslim immigration until the politicians can work out the problem ‘has morphed into extreme vetting’, and, a majority of Americans agree with it also. And if you look at a recent Essential (left wing) Poll here in Australia, a majority of Australians with an opinion on the topic agree with it.

I would actually love to see your facts on this. I don’t tend to believe ‘majority’ believe this… [quote=“TFTV, post:214, topic:1886”]
As former NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr recently said, a Hillary Clinton Presidency would be far worse due to the fact that her being so corrupt, a lifetime politician and part of the establishment will only build a deeper resentment in the American public against politicians and will create a far worse anti-establishment presidential nominee in 2020.

This is an allegation with no proof.

Couldn’t of said it any better.

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John Barron has tweeted a special episode of Planet America will be on ABC News 24 at 10.30pm AEDT tonight.

You certainly do not know what you are talking about.

Much of Trump’s language is a mix of left-wing economic protectionism, with right-wing play-to-the-base social conservatism. The same as Theresa May’s shift to the left, and right, in the UK after taking over from Cameron as PM.

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I think you clearly have no idea of the post I posted.

Please explain what I have misunderstood then…

If you actually read my post I said he is certainly not left wing. I never said he was right wing, I said he is a wing off a completely different planet. His views are views that shouldn’t come from someone that should be leading a country. Left, Right, Up or down. I don’t care what he is. They are not politically correct.

Nine News on Wednesday 9 November

Nine News Special on the US Election results.
Sydney, Melbourne 10.00 am - 4.00pm AEDT
Adelaide 9.30am - 3.30pm
Brisbane 9.00am - 3,00pm
Perth 7.00am - 1.00pm

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SKY NEWS coverage

Wednesday 9 November from 5:00am AEDT on SKY NEWS LIVE.

As the United States heads to the polls for its most anticipated presidential election in years, SKY NEWS will be there with unrivalled LIVE multi-channel, multi-platform coverage, beginning with First Edition: Clinton v Trump at 5:00am on Wednesday 9 November (Tuesday 8 November in the U.S.) on SKY NEWS LIVE (Channel 601).

Political Editor David Speers will be LIVE from Washington D.C. with the most up to date results, reaction and analysis on how Australia will be affected. From 9:00am David will anchor non-stop coverage which will also include comprehensive reporting from the ABC America network.

Chief Political Reporter Kieran Gilbert and anchors Peter van Onselen and Kristina Keneally will lead a panel of U.S. politics experts including Brian Loughnane, Bruce Wolpe and Brendon O’Connor from the SKY NEWS Election Centre. Former Australian Ambassador to the U.S. Kim Beazley will be on hand for his take on what the result will mean for Australia’s relations with America.

From 11:00am SKY NEWS BUSINESS (Channel 602) will cross to the CBS network for non-stop coverage of election night with the SKY NEWS BUSINESS team keeping track of market reaction.

The SKY NEWS ELECTION CHANNEL (Channel 606) will partner with America’s leading political news network C-SPAN for rolling coverage from 10:00pm on Tuesday 8 November.

A LIVE blog featuring highlights from exclusive SKY NEWS commentators and rolling coverage will feature at plus the latest reaction from social media including @SkyNewsAust (Twitter) and Sky News Australia.

For Australians overseas the SKY NEWS coverage can be streamed LIVE on Australia Channel (not available in Australia or New Zealand).

*All times are AEDT

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Update to ABC main channel coverage of Election Day Wednesday 9 November

ABC Main Channel AEDT

6:00am ABC News Breakfast: USA Votes
A special USA Votes edition of ABC News Breakfast presented by Virginia Trioli, Paul Kennedy, Del Irani & Vanessa O’Hanlon. With live crosses to Michael Rowland & Political Editor Chris Uhlmann in Washington.

10:00am Q&A

11:10am Pointless

12:00pm USA Votes
As polls begin to close in the US, comprehensive coverage of the Presidential vote count. Hosted by Joe O’Brien, John Barron & Sara James. Featuring Antony Green, Chas Licciardello & crosses to Party HQs & Washington.

2:00pm Parliament Question Time

3:00pm USA Votes
Comprehensive coverage & analysis of the US Presidential Vote, with an expert panel in Sydney talking to guests & ABC correspondents in New York & Washington.

5:00pm ABC News: USA Votes Special
ABC News brings you a complete roundup of the day’s events as history is made and a new President of the United States is elected. Includes reaction from experts & pundits in the USA & Australia

5:30pm The Drum: USA Votes
Analysis of the day’s news in an engaging & entertaining way. Host Julia Baird leads a panel of journalists, political & social commentators in a lively, thought-provoking discussion.

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