US Politics

around 1:00 “I was fighting to defend American democracy” i think that will be the headline, what a delusion.

I think the Georgia results have genuinely rattled congress and changed the game for the republican partly. It is going to be amusing to watch Trumps power and influence deflate over the next few weeks.

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Taken this long. 2 months and 1 day since Biden won

He even managed to lie in the video, claiming to have called in the national guard when that was reportedly done by Pence.


Worth noting that earlier reports appear to be inccorect.

You can’t be serious. This was an invasion of the Capitol building for the purspose of overturning democracy itself. If you can’t see the difference then you should really rethink.

I’d also love to see where the democrats and/or media “heavily condoned” actual violence or criminal activity with regards to BLM demonstrations. Sounds like just the sort of BS sprouted by Trump and Fox.


He’s just trying to avoid impeachment or removal.

That was the only part of the video where he was being himself. It is clear that everything else was written by someone else and he was forced to read it.

He knows he is screwed. He has gotten away with so much but this time he went too far. The backlash has been massive and his own people have finally turned on him. He still has a few loyalists of course but those who previously supported him are mostly distancing themselves now. Better late than never I suppose.

He caused this. The evidence against him and the self serving dickheads who surround him will come back and bite them all in the ass.

A self pardon before he goes is a sure thing now. Thankfully we still have states who are frothing at the mouth for January 20th and they will pounce on him the second they can.

Trump will end up in jail one way or another. It’s only a matter of time.


I sincerely hope you’re right.

Ivanka should join him in the big house. That would make my century.

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A self pardon will end up in court but assuming it holds up then it won’t matter since the states have enough to get him with. I will be shocked if New York don’t announce something on the 21st.

It’s too late for removal by means of the 25th amendment (not enough of them have the balls to do that) or another round of impeachment so the states are our best bet. I would still like to see a successful impeachment after he’s gone because that would mean he can’t run again but if he’s in jail then that won’t matter anyway.

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What are the chances of the inauguration being moved to a more protected venue if this level of unrest in the community continues?

Surely Biden won’t be allowing crowds with the current pandemic climate. It would be a huge contradiction of his covid plan.

NYT is reporting that one officer did die, but they were premature at the time of reporting (they were on life support).

The double standard by the Capitol Police is truly astounded astounding. Any other protesters would have been machine gunned before they reached the top of the steps. Most of them were allowed to walk around the Capitol and loot the place and basically were able to walk off the property without police making any attempts to stop them.

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Trump’s aim in life has always been to win. It explains why that when he loses, he has a tantrum. From Trump: The Game. 1989 First Edition:


Now that’s a game that needs a 2021 update. :rofl:

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The number of them with Nazi style symbols/t shirts etc is atrocious. So they were basically white supremacists who advocate killing Jews.


No, there is no double standard because police don’t start suddenly shooting at unarmed protesters. That doesn’t happen and for good reason. Once the Capitol Police were overwhelmed, the first priority was to establish order and then arrests could be made later. Shooting unarmed people should never be the solution.

Fox do great work tracking the mainstream media because they are so often exposed as being hypocrites Coverage of Capitol protests by mainstream media called out, compared to months of anti-police violence | Fox News. Kamala Harris also promoted a bail fund for the rioters.

You really don’t get it, or probably more likely you’re a Trump supporter (whatever the hell that is!) who believes in Fox conspiracies and doesn’t support democracy. Either way who cares. The deplorables lost and the vermin in the Whitehouse are about to get fumigated out.

Comparing incidents of criminal activity associated with the BLM protests with what happened at the Capitol building is laughable, or it would be if it wasn’t so despicable. One protest was over the unlawful killing of people by police, the other was a bunch of brain dead rednecks trying to overturn an election result by interfering in the business of Congress and the democratic process itself - ie. An insurrection and attempted coup!


True no supporters are the great unwashed with a deranged leader.

Racists, nazis etc etc they really are deplorables despite what Fox News says.

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All of these pathetic racists, nazis, conspiracy theorists, nutjobs and thugs need to be held accountable for what they’ve done. Their leader in particular is deplorable and all of them should be thrown into jail and throw away the keys.


Those Trump supporters are planning a repeat on 19 and 20 January.