US Politics

There were rumours that Hillary was going to create her own TV show and have another crack in 2020.
Doubt it’s true but. She’s also been rejected for the presidency twice so I hope she gets the point!

I dont think marriage equality is a far left or far right issue. I think the media and those in politics have made it that issue.

I was not having a go at you. Was just vdnting frustration at the far sides of anything and how that is ruining how countries run.

I am not sure if you are calling me a $2 Bill Shorten. If you are I am worth a lot more than that.

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Haha! No that was all at matlock.

Yep that is exactly what I was saying.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Federal Politics

Moved all the Gillard specific posts over to the Federal Politics thread.
Try and keep this thread to US Politics only. :slight_smile:

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The reason Trump is dangerous is that he has no respect for democratic norms. He will say anything to win, just like Francesca on here.

Today he fucking tweeted that the press is the enemy of the American people. Not that the media is his enemy, but the enemy of all Americans.

That should scare the living daylights out of any rational human being.


Totally sane. We’re fucking doomed.

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To put this tweet into perspective, think of an Australian politician saying that Fairfax, the ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten and SBS (or any media outlet except those owned by News Corp really) is “Fake News” - this is basically the US equivalent of that.


The ABC certainly is.

For the record, 70% of Australians rate the ABC as trustworthy. Pick a fight with the ABC at your own peril.

30% saying it is not trustworthy is a lot of people though.

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That is a lot lower than I would have thought.
Look, if you look at Q&A for example, and they put at the bottom of the screen which party the audiance support, it is always Libs/Nats with the highest percentage, yet when you look at the cheering and applause you’ll be forgiven for thinking the room was full of socialist! Look at the convicted terrorist Zachy Mallah or whatever his name is that asked a question and the audiance applauded him! WTF!

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I hate Qanda. It does nothing for honest political debate anymore, and I’m centrist-left leaning.

One poor show does not invalidate the great work done by the ABC in areas such as news, investigative journalism and current affairs.

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Trust in the ABC and SBS is a good 20 per cent higher than the next category, and a good 40 points above News Ltd newspapers.

They are far and away the most trusted media orgs in Australia.

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That is an incredibly high percentage. And not just a % of people that say ‘oh I don’t find time to watch it, or I’m not interested’, but actually find it untrustworthy.

I suppose for some perspective, how do other news services rank? I would imagine there are not many to rate as high on the “trustworthy” scale as ABC.

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Hmm, I simply read it as a condensed 140-character version of “the American people, the ultimate consumers of news, lose out when fair and balanced coverage is not provided to them”. It’s a pretty basic statement really. If you’re reading it literally, rather than extracting the meaning, then you lose out - you haven’t learnt how to communicate with your fellow beings yet.

In any case, stripping back all your hysterics, the American people thought this about their mainstream media even before Trump came along - he’s tapping into a feeling. And if it was completely baseless, well then he wouldn’t be getting very far with that sort of statement, would he? Certainly not to the Presidency or anything…

I find your attitude similar to quite a few people when it comes to ‘reputable’ brands. Let’s take Vegemite. There is an almost unhealthy obsession with it based on brand name - never mind that it is an unhealthy war-time salty black spread. It’s not fit for purpose any more. It was once, it traded off its reputation for a very long time, but it can’t any longer.

Well, many products can’t live off an old reputation forever. Similar to the New York Times. It was trusted as a newspaper of record for many generations. That simply isn’t the case any more. The move to digital, the creation by editors of narrative arcs many months in advance, has meant that it now caters to a different audience, one on only the left side of the political spectrum.

You can’t dismiss criticism of it now, because in the past it was regarded as untouchable. That is what Americans have learned with the mainstream media.

You can wail and huff and get angry all you like but when the mainstream media tell you a candidate has a 98% chance of winning, and yet the opposing candidate wins something like 13 out of 10 (yes) battleground states, then something is seriously wrong. They’re no longer looking for the facts, the reality of the situation.

Well, the other news services out-rate the ABC each night and have done for decades.

In any case, if 30% of people said they didn’t trust Colgate to brush their teeth, a company whose purpose is delivering that product to the highest quality, then that is an extraordinary percentage, regardless if 41% then said they also didn’t trust ACMEToothpasteCompany to brush their teeth. Which % is more noteworthy?

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70% trust doesn’t mean 30% distrust - the 30% includes don’t know and don’t use etc.

This is the usual source of these surveys and the latest complete survey

This is part of the table from Feb 2016