But now you can buy two different versions. Joy!
Tonight’s episode of Home and Away is brought to you by TV Week.
The Livimg Room gang on the cover.
Channel Seven publicity must have been a bit slack this week
I think last week’s blurry MAFS cover must have been a flop. I went into two supermarkets this afternoon and they had heaps of copies left over. I’ve been in these supermarkets on other weekends when there are often absolutely no issues of TV Week left on the stands.
Now that’s a good cover. All posing and facing the camera - and not a screenshot from the show.
Glad that The Living Room is on the cover.
At least it’s not Home and Away…
It’s important. Home and Away hasn’t had a hostage situation for at least two weeks now.
The good ol’ days
A young Alf Stewart?
They’ve put Kate Ritchie on the cover yet again. She’s not even on television.
She is on Anh’s Brush with Fame on Tuesday week (April 6).
Does the cover say “will Kate return to the Bay…” or mention that she is simply just a guest on Anh’s show?
Would have been nice to have Anh Do on the cover. Now that would be different.
On the cover then with some clickbait headline referencing Home And Away?
Will Anh Do make his way to the Bay?
Where Kate Ritchie declares for the 43rd time she is not returning to Home And Away
Where she reveals being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for 2 hours of work a day, is slightly better than 14 hour days on set.
Not on the cover this time.
Kate Ritchie.
Why the star is finally ready to speak out.
I think this is the same story they’ve covered in all the previous issues she has appeared in, since she left H&A.
There’s a gushing preview by the editor in her column, mostly talking about her time on H&A. The article does the same in the first paragraph.