Perhaps in the capitals, but in the regions there’s basically talk on MMM and talk/best of shows with the same songs that they played 2 hours earlier on Hit. The alternative for us in the regions is niche stuff that gets only listened to when the car radio can’t pick up anything else (it obviously is an old car).
Is Dobbo still consulting? He’d love that idea.
They don’t have the sophistication nor budget to pull it off.
He gave Mike Fitzpatrick a job at B Rock, they’ve been mates ever since. This is a personal indulgence and a good way to save on overnight music licensing.
I can’t imagine his pay and a producers is cheaper than networked music
See above, personal indulgence + it’s also a good way to generate content for the network, activate the overnight hours instead of automated music, provide a point of connection for the audience.
I used to love Truck Radio on the Today Network back in the day.
I’m personally not against the idea of a live overnight program on Triple M with an announcer that even takes callers for music requests and the like.
But talkback? Can’t we leave that type of thing to commercial AM stations (in metro markets) and the ABC?
Yep exactly. Overnight announcers on Absolute Radio and BBC Radio 2 engage with callers mainly about the music and music-related topics. They take callers occasionally without being like an AM talkback station.
BBC 2 in particular read out texts in the early hours from listeners doing deliveries and long road trips etc. But it’s still music focused, the music isn’t just a filler, they carefully select the music and actually discuss it. They also have news bulletins (even on stations like Magic and Smooth UK)
we need a station like this here in Australia
It’s an untapped market!
Triple M Melbourne will be airing a special Saturday edition of The Hot Breakfast tomorrow morning:
Someone needs to get better cans for Eddie, he looks silly.
There’s an old saying about having a great head/ face for radio.
Beyerdynamic DT100s they used to be the gold standard in radio stations.
Agree, I don’t see the problem. Ageing headphones for ageing bfast show?
Note: the guy in the photo is Rush Hour co-host Ben Dobbin.
Concert in the clouds back on Triple m country this weekend
Very apt in this era of social distancing.
Luke Bona not on this morning, MMM Sydney is playing Music, don’t know why?
Tim Lordan and Elissa Macneall swapped shifts on Mix. Tim now does 9-12 and Elissa 1-5 including the Rush Hour
He’s away. Back Friday.
Luke mentioned he was having time off and before the quasi internal border closures, was planning to holiday in bushfire or drought ravaged towns.
Dom Knight on Monday morning didn’t sound too good and Adam Shand fell through. Strange to hear Luke mention him last week, wondered why a senior journo would want to fill in on talkback.