Tokyo Olympics Coverage

It’s even more now

People in Perth angry about the Closing Ceremony delayed


Surely 7 saw all the complaints from the opening ceremony about the ads and delay. Do they not take on feedback these days?

It’s hard on the east coast to complain about a 1 minute delay when Perth has a 2 hour one.


They wouldn’t give up their news to show it in Perth live. They know regardless Perth watches 7 which is why they don’t do it.

It’s the same argument

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I think it was changed. If you read the article I posted above, it was due to a be a big spectucak with Nintendo involved but they pulled out.
I think due to the cost of hosting the games in the current situation it blew out even further.
Then the director was also fired.

I think they had to go back to basics and keep it simple for COVID reasons as well as limited ability to do more. I can’t see the price tag of these two ceremonies being 20milloon.

If you’re on the east coast, what’s with the complaints of a few mins delayed? Honestly can’t wrap my head around this.

7 have to pay the bills. They’re not a charity.

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I don’t care if this is delayed tonight. My issue is referencing anything on screen as live. They aren’t which is the right decision.

Regardless if LIVE and Free is a Tagline, 7 deciding in the coverage after a couple of days to be turning this bug on and off during replays of events and now the closing ceremony they recognise it makes people believe it is LIVE when on.

So I believe they treat it as their live sporting bug.

Why would they do that? That sucks…

I’m actually loving all of the video game music used, it’s very Tokyo and cool.

What I can’t stand is Hamish basically repeating what the announcers say, treating the audience like
Idiots. Shut up.


Are they saying it’s live?

Cut to an ad mid-sentence. Jesus christ.


And people try to defend seven that they are doing a good job :joy:


That was bloody awful

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NO you didn’t read my post, I am saying they had branded it for the opening and some events as live when it was 15-30mins delayed. That’s my bug bear.
This isn’t being labelled as live which is my point and I don’t care it’s delayed. They made the right decision to drop the LIVE AND FREE bug which was there for opening.
Hence my explanation in my post above about the live bug….

Even 7 are sick of Hamish and his ongoing crap commentary. :joy:


So… they addressed your initial issue, but it’s still a problem? Even though it’s not occurring now?

Not a criticism, just curious. And for the record, the live bug should have never been up unless it was live.

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Loving the segment on the Indigenous dances from all across Japan. Great commentary by Kumi and not too much talking


I didn’t say there was an issue? I haven’t tonight said it’s an issue it’s delayed. All I said was that as each ad gets played they pause the coverage which delays it. It’s not a criticism, I’m just pointing out how they are doing it.

The way tonight is being done is how Seven should have done it for the opening.

Like when they cut Hamish off. NPC took the break too early. They control the breaks

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This is what there should have been more of. Less Hamish. She’s great.

She’s not repeating the same information by announcers or what’s on screen. Actually adding to the coverage.