The biggest correlation for these shows is how well the lead-in performs. The gap between Sunrise and Today this week will be the closest of the year. So, Extra is having a good week too. I do think MAFS is also a significant help for both Nine shows.
Wednesday saw Sunrise record its second highest audience of the year to be 40k ahead of Today, yet Today Extra had another win - main segment and the extra extra segment. Following Seven Morning News beat Nine’s - so it seemed that viewers were tuning in for Extra.
Interested to see if this continues post MAFS as that seems to be a big component of their discussion.
Is it benefitting more from the Studio 10 change of slot than taking viewers from Seven?
Who is hosting with Sylvia?
That’s Tom Tilley.
First time Jayne has hosted since 2019. Only Brooke and Belinda have filled in for Sylvia since she permanently joined the show.
Very funny throwback this morning. Lizzie Pearl digging up this footage, to coincide with the total eclipse in Exmouth today (Sylvia sung Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart).
Narrow in in the ratings for Today Extra on Monday.
Today Extra won its second morning this week, this time by a healthy 15,000 winning in Melbourne and Brisbane (three times TMS’s audience).
Today Extra joining Damien Hardwick press conference after an infomercial ended. Left before questions started.
Eek for TMS. 7 really has to pour some resources into promoting Sunrise in Brisbane. It’s affecting TMS as well.
Karl is prepared for the floods.