Umm whats the ‘here’s your stop Tom’ all about?
First impressions: I don’t really like it. I’m not sure what the whole naming thing is about. Comes across very weird. I might come around but it’s a bit of a strange promo.
I also feel like its been done before.
i love it: much more interactive
I like it. but also don’t like it. seems very ‘fake’ but also I get what they were trying to do.
I personally would’ve preferred Nine to go with a tagline like “Georgie’s Waking up with Today again!” and a promo which has Georgie walking to the Today show set with all the cast/crew cheering her on as she walks to her seat with Karl. Cheesy idea I know, but at least that’s something a bit more personal/friendly than the initial threatening sounding promo and whatever this latest one is.
Fixed that for you
I dunno why someone on a bus would care about petrol prices? Random matching there.
I want to like it, and I know what they are trying to do, but it is just a little off.
I think they should have went with something similar to this Wake Up promo:
I haven’t seen any of the promos and I really don’t care what they are or what they look like. I just look forward to seeing GG, and (hopefully) seeing Today turn back into Today, rather than what it’s gradually turned into over the past few years - the Stefanovic show. Hopefully GG will get a chance to shine and there’ll be less focus on Stefanovic’s juvenile blokey crap.
It’s 2018, of course every channel is streaming. There’s no value in an ad telling people that in their faces when the bloke on his phone tells us that subtly. We don’t need a ‘isn’t the future great, you can use your tablet to watch us’ type ad.
The Today ad isn’t perfect but something like that WakeUp ad belongs in the past.
I think the only thing I enjoyed about the promo was how they cheekily promoted the 9News app as well as 9Now.
I think it makes sense to couple transportation options with petrol prices.
I liked the promo, it’s very interactive with the audience but I also agree something featuring more of Georgie’s arrival would be really effective as well.
Love the promo! So much better than the first.
Whatever happened to James Bracy joining WT as a permanent sports presenter? Did he even do any more shows after that first weekend?
Peter Stefanovic & Jayne Azzopardi hosting with Amelia Adams presenting News & Davina Smith reading Weather.
James first started on Weekend Today on the 21 of January 2017 and suddenly finished in by late February, which is a shame because he was really good at brekky TV.
Well I doubt this is the new permanent team. Allison might be starting when Pete and Deb return to their normal shifts on the news.
Your info was wrong.
Davina Smith presenting the weather.