Ticker News


Ben calls Alana a slut live on TV? Charming. Great selling point they have there.


First highlight the guests audio doesn’t work either, and the rest are peaking or their mics aren’t working. It’s like community TV but with two hosts who aren’t even ready for that.


I understand it’s “Outrageous Moments” and that it was just banter, but the term “Slut” shouldn’t be aired (or even promoted). That’s just my opinion. But if this was said in another workplace, e.g. office job it would possibly be classed as sexual harassment (I’m not saying this was, just I think Ticker should rethink a title, and not promote a word which degrades women).

EDIT: Ticker have changed the title.


I’ve produced a fair bit of it, live TV is hard but if you’re a commercial outfit you should be able to get guest mics right especially as it clearly wasn’t just the one time.


Even though Community TV may not be all live, surely with all the new technology they have at Ticker, you would assume they could control simple microphone levels between hosts. Even a single camera phone, live stream has better audio consistency.

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I’ve seen more polished live streams on YouTube.


In the old Access 31 days in Perth there were quite a few shows done live… and whether live or pre recorded, you don’t promote your basic mistakes.


I’ll say it again, can Ben wear something other than a collared shirt underneath that pullover? (Not that it really matters, don’t think anyone is watching).

Outrageous Moments? Cringeworthy Moments would be more appropriate.

And who the hell is this Benjamin Norris? So incredibly out of his depth with no people or presenting skills. What a disaster.


The tweet and link for YouTube have both been deleted now.


That’s shocking. How is a male co-host calling their female counterpart a “slut”, some kind of selling point? No wonder their viewership looks like what it is.


Did this really happen?
You can’t be serious?

Sure did.

It really doesn’t matter what content it was said or discussed in, Benjamin Norris should not be saying that. That’s bloody terrible and a worry.

I haven’t kept track of any of the shows on Ticker (never tuned in to any of the shows in saying that), but it sounds like this breakfast show is just a complete mess.

How can anyone get away with calling someone a slut on a live broadcast?!


Even more odd is the “executive producer” tweeting it out as a highlight.


Has he had any presenting training or couching? Unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure on Ahron with this one.

What is their agenda with this show? What audience are they trying to capture with this product?

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Good call by Ticker to remove it, this should never have gone out as a “selling point”.

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