The Royal Family

I can’t believe people are so gullible as to take the word of royalty when it has been proven time and again in history that they maupilate, lie and cheat to keep the power they have been born into. Get a grip.

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And yet there is apparently no footage at all of this harrowing 2 hour paparazzi car chase through the congested streets of Manhattan, apart from footage on H’s own phone and a shot of them getting into this 15 minute cab ride. Does that make you wonder at all? Surely you see a slight hole in this story… C’mon.

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Right back at 'ya. Get a grip yourself. If you believe these two then I wouldn’t trust your instincts…

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I would deal with it privately, not tell the whole world.


I think there have been exaggerations on both sides. But you guys who are devoted monarchists are always going to believe what they tell you without doubts.

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I am a republican who voted yes in the 1990s referendum on the republic. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. I am most definitely not a monarchist. It is possible to be objective.


not all devoted monarchists are asskissers :roll_eyes:


Why couldn’t they have just left and moved to the US though?

Why do Oprah? Why write a book? Why keep speaking in public about the Royal Family.

If they really wanted a normal life and privacy they wouldn’t be doing those things.

Surely you see this.


Yes. But people like you who keep getting outraged every time they speak are just feeding the beast.

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Maybe if they just shut up and go away (like they keep saying they want) then people might not be so critical.

It’s all deserving. If they weren’t so desperate for attention then this wouldn’t be happening. They brought this all upon themselves by doing interviews and releasing books and constantly putting themselves in the spotlight for attention.


We will soon tire of ‘the beast’ and move on to more newsworthy items.

Which means Harry and Meghan would (shock horror) have to find real jobs!

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That would be good but you’re delusional if you think that’s ever going to happen. Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson continued to be hounded after they divorced and left the royal family.

They’re never going to leave Harry alone as long as he is the son of the current king and the brother of the future king.

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But don’t you see he isn’t trying to be left alone. That’s the difference here. He says he wants to be left alone but he’s doing nothing to help that.


That was when there was no internet and fewer ‘celebrities’ for the paparazzi to chase compared to today … times have changed, I think they will move onto someone else.

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Ummmm…that’s not what it means to “deflower her”. I’d dare say she’s well and truly been deflowered. :rofl:

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It is possible, Edward has pulled it off his whole life.


And most of the other royals… the trouble with Diana and Fergie were that they kept feeding the media with interviews and other stuff.

If Harry can be behave and keep his mouth shut, they will leave him alone sooner or later since there won’t be anything “newsworthy” for them to print.


Unfortunately, I don’t think Harry has helped the situation. He seems to be also feeding the beast. he seems to be making a lot of money selling his story.


Don’t forget Harry is justifying selling his stories because Charles refused to fund his security in the US. Had they stayed in the UK they would’ve had full, specialised security 24/7.

He didn’t HAVE to move to the US, it was his choice.

And I don’t see why people who are not working royals and not living in the UK should be entitled to have their security paid for. But that’s just me.