The Project

I liked the different atmosphere it brought and Nick Cody helped too.

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The layout of that graphic makes sense this week after they followed my suggestion. :stuck_out_tongue:


BREAKING: Federal court set to hear urgent application on Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial based on “fresh evidence”

— Samantha Maiden (@samanthamaiden) March 31, 2024

In a sensational development in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case, Network Ten is seeking to call fresh evidence about the former federal Liberal staffer just days before the judge is due to deliver his decision.

Charlie Pickering has done an interview with Fairfax behind a paywall so not sure how much I’m allowed to quote it but he says a few things about The Project and his time on it:

I’m not entirely sure The Project ever 100% figured out what it is. There was always this tension between comedy and news within the show … And it wanted to be funny, but it also wanted to be serious. Most of the time, in its original iteration, I think we pulled that off pretty well … because I was able to wear both hats … I had a skill set that really suited the show … I think that’s when the show was at its best.


It’s a girls panel on the show tonight

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I think that’s a fair assessment

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Sounds like Ten is getting desperate.

This is going to open a can of worms.

I’m so bloody over it. Just when its about to end, something else pops ups.

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Matt Preston was on the panel tonight.


Mike Goldstein from The 100 is on tonight. Is this his first time on the show?

Not his first time as a guest.

Tom Tilley hosting on Friday.

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Was he on? He wasn’t a panellist.

Yep he was a guest.

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