The Project


News Corp reports the 2017 interview had disappeared from 10’s online platforms.

If you think he meant that…funny this people want to give him a pass because “he apologized”. Lol

Pete’s next sitcom will be “How to stay employed”


Thursday (11.02.2021): Clare Hooper filled in for Pete and Gorgi was (thankfully) back.

Photo by @gorgicoghlan on February 10, 2021. May be an image of 1 person, standing, screen, television and indoor.

Friday (12.02.2021): Jan Fran is co-hosting with Peter tonight. Clare Hooper filling in for Tommy from Melbourne.


Lisa Wilkinson has a major exclusive on tonight’s episode of The Project.


It was this (also see Federal Politics thread)


Tommy & Jan weren’t needed tonight


Maybe they should format the Sunday edition more like the Lisa segment every week, more extended pieces with a more serious tone


Yes it was a very good long form piece. At 30 minutes it was longer than a usual 60 minutes story.


From Channel 10’s Instagram story:


They missed the most obvious platform - free-to-air television on Channel 10.


That’s true, but I guess the point of the post is referring to social or web channels.


Friday (19.02.2021): Waleed Aly and Gorgi Coghlan are hosting tonight from Melbourne. Claire Hooper is filling in for Tommy.


Walleed for some weird reason signed off the show with Okkurrr tonight (Cardi B is known for it)

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The fact is the Fair Work Commission has already determined that an employer can reasonably request an employee be vaccinated (including flu vax) if it’s a reasonable request and if the employee is placing others at risk by not being vaccinated, for example early childhood educators, aged care and frontline health professionals.

Waleed can express his uninformed, poorly researched and self indulgent opinions live on air, just don’t call it news.

It’s likely the Project producer has wanted to tell Waleed to shut up for a long time. :face_with_monocle::mask:


I don’t disagree with Waleed, and there is nothing wrong with offering a countering view. This is a panel discussion, it’s not masquerading as fact.

Sure, some professions may require the vaccination, but giving employers the right to dictate whether you are required to get the vaccination or not is not black and white.

Reasonable request is a load of shit too, most employers can request you to work reasonable overtime without pay. What is ‘reasonable’? Where does that end?

The hosts being told to wind up a story isn’t anything new when they’re running overtime and it doesn’t mean a producer disagreed with them either. were just looking for a good headline, as they do most days. Nothing to see here

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To answer your question, what’s deemed to be a reasonable request is determined by Fair Work.

Waleed is an insufferable bore. He is also uninformed and used his platform to pontificate dangerous anti vax garbage.

I don’t believe it was a time wind up personally. That’s your assumption.

You also stated “most employers can request you work reasonable overtime without pay”, that’s not a thing if you’re referring to awards. Please call the Fair Work Ombudsman and report your employer or check the relevant award.

Walleed is also a doctor so its surprising he’s against it. I however strangely enough agree with him in this scenario. its just a job, it shouldn’t dictate how you live your life.

He’s probably worried about the religious implications down the track if employees get more power on what they can get away with.